As much as I appreciate all the love and thanks for Veterans Day, - TopicsExpress


As much as I appreciate all the love and thanks for Veterans Day, I just have to say something. When I first joined the military I didnt do it to serve my country. I did it for a change of scenery, to get out of this tired ass town and for good job benefits. By the time I graduated basic training all that changed, I realized that yes, I was doing this for my country after all and that other stuff was just a bonus. I made an oath to protect the constitutional rights and freedom of my fellow Americans. So people think a free meal or a parade will suffice for what we as veterans sacrificed for them and if thats all we are worth then no let me thank you. Thank you for letting me be a tax write off, thank you for letting you get a half day at work. Now Im not speaking for all my fellow veterans but this is how I feel. So no, I dont need a thank you for doing my job and especially not once a year. If you really want to thank veterans, thank them everyday. Give veterans free meals once a week, cause you have no idea how many of us are living on the streets with nothing or no one to help them. Let me stop, before I say something that will piss someone off (like I care), but to all my fellow vets, I wanna thank you too...Awwready
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 18:14:15 +0000

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