As much as I don’t care about ‘New Year’s Day’, it’s - TopicsExpress


As much as I don’t care about ‘New Year’s Day’, it’s been one interesting year as I’ve learn to draw and have begun to animate, grown an afro and an have had the opportunity to meet new people and even make friends with them. I’ve applied for Digital Media at a college in town I’m hoping to attend in the Fall but I’m still waiting to hear back from them. BUT ANYWAYS! There’s a few shoutouts I’d like to give to friends and other artists I like/admire. - Shemps Scribbles: Its been having met you and getting a chance to just talk to you about both serious and ridiculous; it never seems to get old and always makes me laugh when I read our back-and-forths. So far youve managed to motivate me make some silly drawings and even give me some material for future projects. A lot of your darker work often gives me ideas to help develop one of the very characters you had encoarged me to make all those months ago. Hopefully we keep in touch for a long time and get a chance to meet in person in the future. - TomTom You my friend are one interesting character, talking to you is always intresting because Im either gonna have to face your dank memes or some other god forsaken thing. Youre art is one thing that always intrests me because you have your own unique style and way of working that Ive never seen. Its always fun seeing the final product of your work no matter how twisted it can be. (You know what Im refering to) Anyways I hope we can keep the Nuttles hype train going and hope it gains some steam and that we keep in touch. Maybe you can come to the non-oil layed soiled of Canada sometime. - Constipated Samurai Even though we haven’t talked too much I have been a fan of your work ever since I first saw it. I do enjoy seeing the progress in your animations and love the work you put into them. Im so pumped for Sketches and cant wait for the first episode when its completed. Dont worry about the time it takes to produce an episode at a time; all the hard work you put into them will make it all the better and those who see them will love it. - Hummingbird I have been a fan of your work for the past year now and I still enjoy it today. Though we dont talk I still appreciate the advice you had given me and answering the questions I had asked about Digital Media from way back when. Though I have moments where I wish I could be as good as you I always remember that you too were a beginning artist and had worked your way up to where you are today which always motivates me to push myself hard at improving. I hope that your music and comic projects keep going and improve in the future. - Ryukaza Awe man, I love your both your art and your desgins. I recently came across some of the work you did in after affects and are they awesome. I hope you eventually get back into them when you have the time. I love how cartoon-y some of your drawings are but the detail you put on them gives it depth and some realism to it that I have never seen before. Hopefully we start talking more outside your streams (which are pretty fun btw) and play some games together. - Others I wanna mention but Im short on time: MarMarPoptart Lu CB Renonoo Pamp Kurami (Ill do something special for you when I can) - And finally, everyone who has liked and commented on my art over the past few months. Though I made this page for the sake of seeing the progress I could make it has influence me through the connection I made because of it. Hopefully I can continue improving in my art and create things like comics and animations this year. Thank you for your support and the love.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 08:24:30 +0000

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