As much as we want to build a firm foundation of support and - TopicsExpress


As much as we want to build a firm foundation of support and success. Remember that No matter WHAT you do, many will not extend the hand and have your back. Everyone has different tastes and sometimes we can be going through things that make us seem disconnected and unwilling to participate. Other times we may legitimately not even be heard correctly and finally, some may strongly oppose everything you stand for regardless of how you appeal to them. I believe realizing the dissatisfaction of your expectation towards the whole planet being a team is just a step towards being stronger. A step towards non validation and self empowerment. It is truly amazing to see some people who I had assumed just really hated everything Im about and discarded any efforts of connection, totally reach out. Thats awesome and really surprising. I think its like that quote however it goes everyone I thought was gonna be there wasnt and the ones who did show up were unexpected Life is a mysterious and ever blooming experience. Never a dull moment. Keep those peeps close you encourage rather than ignore or falsify. Those who want to be the best they can be, without a dog eat dog mentality. The goal of many powers is divide and conquer, but I dont consider it power as so many will wait to the smoke clears to offer opinions for fear of offending someone/ having them not understand the context or blindly following what they believe will being them the recognition or validation they seek. Speak your mind In the crowd Cause you only live once (to my knowledge). It can be the most terrifying thing at times but it builds character and a strong constitution like a cold shower. Yeah. You live out of fear or your live out of love. Im not here to compete, as we are all unique. -D
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 19:59:42 +0000

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