As my brother from another mother, Tim Casey has written about - TopicsExpress


As my brother from another mother, Tim Casey has written about many times in the past, a story on To The Point News says exactly what Tim has been saying for a long time about Darrel issa. I am going to post it for all of you to see. Many of you discounted what I was saying but here is the truth, from Dr. Jack Wheeler. It turns out, isssa is also anti Jewish Here it is: IS DARRELL ISSA BEING BLACKMAILED? Print E-mail Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler Thursday, 18 September 2014 I first met Darrell Issa on Halloween. He was a freshman Congressman in 2001, and he came to a Halloween Party my wife and I had at our home in McLean, Virginia. Two of his California colleagues, both good friends of ours, brought him. I make the worlds greatest eggnog and it was served liberally. Given the crowd, the conversation naturally turned to politics and geopolitics. We were having a merry libational time solving the worlds problems when the subject of Israel came up. Issa, who had been quiet, launched into a passionate plea for the Palestinian Arab Right of Return. John Fund of the Wall Street Journal and I instantly glanced at each other, for we both well knew this was code for advocating the extinction of Israel. My ever-vigilant bride Rebel noticed, realized the conversation could go quickly sideways, and deftly changed the subject. Given this introduction, it came as little surprise to me that, one month later (11/30/01) conservative columnist Debbie Schlussel denounced Issa as Jihad Darrell for his public support of Hezbollah and Yasser Arafat. As a freshman, Issa was touted as the richest man in Congress - which he still is, with a net worth of over $355 million. That money, adroitly spent on generous campaign donations to ones colleagues, enables you to ascend the Congress power hierarchy. Which is why, when the Pubs got their majority back in January 2011, he was anointed as Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. That means he has the authority to fully investigate any illegal act committed by government officials, including the president, to issue subpoenas, to have people indicted for perjury during sworn testimony, and fully expose their corruption to the world. The list of impeachable, illegal, and corrupt offenses committed by Zero and members of his administration is longer and more substantial than any in the history of our country. They leave Watergate in the dust. Any one of these should have led to imprisonment of those who committed them: Fast and Furious. Solyndra and other crony capitalist payoffs. Spying on the Associated Press. NSA spying on all Americans. IRS targeting of conservatives. IRS coverup and lying about lost emails. The VA. Benghazi. Holder Perjury. Lerner Perjury. Pigford. Illegal Alien Invasion. Unconstitutional Executive Orders. Repeated willful refusal to comply with the law. And so much more - such as the disenabling of credit card verification for Obama Campaign website donations in both 2008 and 2012, allowing anyone with fictitious names or from a foreign country to donate with no limit and no proof of identity. No one to this day knows what percentage of Zeros campaign funds were donated illegally. The plethora of scandals has resulted in street art. When Zero showed up for his billionth fundraiser, this one a $32,000-a-plater held at the LA home of Shonda Rhimes, appropriately the producer of an ABC show entitled Scandal, the entire neighborhood was plastered with Obama Scandal Posters on park benches like this: o_scandal_poster.png So - with the humongous smorgasbord of scandals set before him to devour, what has House Oversight Chairman Issa accomplished? Nothing. Not one single success of exposure. Look at that list above. Has anyone been found responsible, have they been removed from office, indicted, prosecuted? No, no one. It is a record on unblemished failure. The question is Why? Is Issa that room temperature IQ stupid? Is he that ludicrously incompetent? Has he been bribed? Unlikely on all three. Hes smart and competent enough to run an extremely successful business. Hes rich enough that no bribe large enough could tempt him. Theres one other possibility: that hes being blackmailed. Zeros Gangster Government is certainly capable of it. A legion of conservatives, for example, is convinced that its the only explanation for the incomprehensible last-minute-switch decision of Chief Justice John Roberts to uphold Obamacare. Google John Roberts+blackmail and youll get 58,000 hits. The principal suspicion is its in regard to the allegedly illegal adoption of his Irish-born children. And certainly Issa has a long history of indictments and accusations of criminality. The LA Times detailed it when Issa was running for the Senate in 1998: Issas Rags-to-Riches Has Some Ugly Chapters. Ugly, indeed. Its worth reading entire. Ive had more than one Congressman tell me the story of how Issa quadrupled the insurance on his building two weeks before it suspiciously burned down - investigators determined it was set by poured gasoline. Issa made his fortune by selling car alarms. The first was called Steal Stopper, followed by The Viper. Ive had Congressmen tell me they were convinced that Issa stole the patents of both. I have no idea if this is true. What I do know is that some of Issas Pub colleagues believe its true. What I also know is that if Pubs in Congress are saying this about Issa, Dems have heard it - and have relayed it to Holder Injustice and the Zero West Wing. Thus it is entirely plausible that Issa is being blackmailed by Holder and Zero to make a great show of sound and fury but that his Committee actually accomplish nothing of a real threat to them whatever. Or else, the DOJ and the Enemedia will utterly destroy his life. I do not know for certain if this blackmail is taking place. What I do know is that the GOP House leadership including Boehner believes it is, and further, they are totally fed up and disgusted with Issa, no matter what the reason for his total failure. They dont care if he is stupid, incompetent, being blackmailed, whatever. They want him gone. The safest bet you can make in DC now is that he wont be Chairman of Oversight when the 114th Congress convenes on January 3, 2015. He wont be chairman of anything. Thats how much hes despised now. Who will take his place running Oversight? Trey Gowdy would be a good bet. Gowdy is fearless. He wont be blackmailed. Hell go after the whole Zero Scandal Sheet hammer and tongs - like hes doing with Benghazi. Issa is history. 2015 may be a very good year.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 02:03:15 +0000

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