As my family in the midwest struggles through the cold and snow, I - TopicsExpress


As my family in the midwest struggles through the cold and snow, I am sitting here remembering the anniversary of the Blizzard of 1967, when 24 of snow fell on Chicagoland. I was working in downtown Gary at The Gary Post Tribune. By noon of that Thursday, I was stuck, my 1966 Mustang was already buried in the company parking lot. They tried to get the paper out but more and more they began to realize that it would be impossible. Everyone who could get home was released, but I was not able to leave. On Friday, they published, but did not delivery any papers to the carriers. I remember manning the company switchboard and a man called in ranting and raving that he hadnt gotten his paper for 2 days. I was young and naive, so was very nice to him and asked sweetly if he had gotten mail delivery, NO; had he gotten milk delivery (yes, kiddies they still delivered milk back then), NO. Then I said, well how do you expect a 12yo boy to get to you to deliver the newspaper. He hung up and I just shook my head. The newspaper put those of us who were staying in the Hotel Gary and we spent 3 nights there. The paper was at 15th & Broadway and I remember walking from the hotel to the paper and we walked in the middle of Broadway, nothing was moving. On Sunday, a fellow co-working, Phil Rendina, drove me to my grandmothers in Crown Point and picked me up the next few days. By Wednesday of the following week, I was able to get my car out and drive to Lowell. I was overwhelmed by the drifts on Rt 2 going into Lowell and remember all of the snow piled in the creek and piled above street level. The next day, Thursday, one week later we were hit with another 8 inches of snow and I was stuck again, but for only one as you struggle through this memorable winter, I have my memories as well.......I know that my brothers, Dan, Steve & Phil remember it since they had 3 days of newspapers to deliver on Sunday when the drivers finally made it out of the for George, well I wont go there, because he hates when I tell what effect the snowstorm had on him.....LOL
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 21:54:02 +0000

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