As my way of letting all my loved ones and FB friends know, I - TopicsExpress


As my way of letting all my loved ones and FB friends know, I would like to respond to Tita Nitzs Anita S. Schon comment last December 31, 2014, as follows: We can help Freda get rid of her depression if we do not bother her with our financial problems. Freda has a generous heart, she worries too much about peoples problems, let us give her a break and help her instead, shall we? My periodic depression, Tita Nitz, comes with my mental illness - bipolar disorder - and it will surface anytime without any warning, and even when everybodys happy celebrating special occasions, as what happened very recently. I believe you know me better - my heart - and more than anyone of my friends and I thank you for speaking for me and showing openly your concern - just like a mother caring for her daughter. So blessed, I am, having known you in my life, and having you as a role model in improving the lives of the poor and the lowly. To put it simply: I dont think I will live if I stop solving other peoples problems! All my loved ones and close relatives will attest to my problem-solving prowess since I was a child. One example: Every Sunday, while our parents were held late in the church, we, children would often find ourselves sitting around the table with no food to eat for our lunch. I was known to go around house to house asking for food and will let all my siblings eat first before I did, sometimes with very little left which I also would share to someone else. Its just me. I was born with the urge to help and as I grew older, it got harnessed with my actual immersion in solving other peoples problems. You wouldnt believe it but during my Nursing internship days, my only brother, would come to me every weekend, and I will give him whatever cash I made out of typing term papers for a fee. I loved my brother dearly, but a wrong love, which I discovered very late. I have turned him into a mendicant, as I revealed to you, one time. I cant really stop people from looking for help whenever they are in need. All I can do, as my way, also, of maintaining and sustaining my spirituality, is to help directly, if I am able to, and to look for ways by approaching others who can help, if I am not able to. Hard though to fathom my unique way of helping people, please allow me to reiterate my pronouncement of old, that I am one of the few, called to fulfill a mission! Painful, though, it is, at the moment, to have lately realized that what I have been doing in the past, mostly heroic, has been manifestations of my bipolar, still I take what I have been doing and what I continue to do, as that purpose in life of which God has healed me and is continuing to heal me from my various ailments. In time, as I continue to learn more of my bipolar symptoms and actuation, I will be able to reconcile with myself and erase that pain. As Waleed assured me, Its not the manic phase of the bipolar which made you crazily helping people at all cost in the past. It is in you, he said, as Allah has specially gifted you with.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 04:26:45 +0000

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