As noted by Marilyn Taylor - While another terrorist attack on our - TopicsExpress


As noted by Marilyn Taylor - While another terrorist attack on our soil has been called, Trudeau has been busy violating the Charter of Rights by engaging in prayers in mosques that segregates men from women, delivering speeches to Muslim groups with terrorist ties, affiliating himself with Muslims who want to impose Sharia law in Canada, having candidates speaking at violent anti-Israel rally’s, sympathizing with terrorists, celebrating Ramadan with Muslims who have distributed Maududis book urging youth to wage holy war on infidels, being accused by Sikhs in B.C. of “being in bed with extremist and fundamental groups”, opposing the move to revoke Canadian citizenship from dual citizens who have fought with terrorists, wanting to approach terrorists with only humanitarian aid, refusing to answer questions about terrorism and voting against assisting with the worlds fight against terrorism opting instead, to pander for the Muslim vote. When asked as to why he’s visiting mosques with terrorist ties, Trudeau advised that people in our mosques are Canadian and that while we may fear what they might be preaching, its more important that he gets his message of respect and inclusion across to them. Trudeau further advised that this is an approach he will consistently take. Upon being interviewed in November, 2014, Trudeau advised that Muslims have been unfairly persecuted since 9/11 and that, if elected, he will protect them and be their voice for them. Trudeau would be a dream come true for the more radical Muslims among us as they know that he’s an easy pushover for votes. They would very easily exploit Trudeau’s naivety which could mean the end of Canada as we know it.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 19:45:18 +0000

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