As of 12:00am Tuesday, December 9th Cooper is officially a part of - TopicsExpress


As of 12:00am Tuesday, December 9th Cooper is officially a part of our family! For seven years Katie and Stephen have wanted nothing more than to grow their family. There were so many heartbreaks and disappointments. It just didn’t seem fair that starting a family would prove to be so difficult. I can remember how many holidays came and went in the hopes that we would have an addition to the family to celebrate with. For a while now Katie has wore a necklace that says “For this child I have prayed.” In January Katie and Stephen began the process of adoption. We have hoped so fiercely since- even through instances in which they were told to expect that it wouldn’t be successful- right before the baby’s due date. The baby clothes and accessories were stashed but we looked to God anyways- trusting that what was meant to happen would be and He was still good for it. I will never forget the morning I called Katie for the millionth time to see if she had received a call and I could tell that she was in the car. I said “….Katie…. where are you going? KATIE WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?” We both sobbed as she told me that the next time I saw her she would have a baby. I am overjoyed to say that Cooper was born just before Thanksgiving and has completely stolen our hearts since. Suddenly the years of trials have all been so worth it. We know that we were just waiting for him. He truly is the best gift of all. We are so appreciative of the selfless act of giving up a child to be loved by another family. Cooper is so lucky to have such wonderful parents who have been so ready to be his parents for the longest time. He will grow up on a farm next door to his “Sassy” aka grandmother and his grandfather who is completely over-the-moon happy. So many thoughts and moments of awe and thanksgiving have flooded my heart as I held his tiny head in my hands. All we do these days is watch him sleep and smile. I bawled like a baby after I left him a few days ago. I was so overwhelmed with joy and gratitude to a God who richly provides and may not always answer prayers like we expect, but when his plan unfolds is always more than we could ask for ourselves. It’s easy to think about Christmas this year. Out of all the ways God could show his love to the world, sending baby Jesus was the most perfect way. Using and first appearing to flawed people- after all the definition of Grace is “unmerited favor.” I knew that photos would not suffice in displaying the deeply felt thankfulness and joy in these moments that will pass all too quickly. I wanted to remember so clearly the way Katie and Stephen adore their child. The way Cooper always sleeps with one arm by his face. The tremendous love felt. This is my first attempt at video so keep that in mind;)I am so excited to continue learning how to use it to help tell people’s life stories. Turn up the music, pull up a full screen and enjoy “For This Child I Prayed!” Share it if you want and let us know what you think! https://vimeo/113804638
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 05:05:02 +0000

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