As of late I have started working with a few pros that have caused - TopicsExpress


As of late I have started working with a few pros that have caused me to reflect a bit. Before I had ever stepped on stage for the first time I used to read all of the natural bodybuilding magazines and forums I could get my hands on. I would follow the top guys, read their articles, and follow along with their placings. I was a fan of the sport long before I was even a competitor. Well, now I have been privileged enough to work with a few of the guys that I used to follow as a fan. I have been big fans of their physiques since my early days, so now to have the opportunity to work with them on their prep is very cool for me. This also leads me to think back to my first prep and two encounters I had with some local bodybuilders. During my first prep ever, I had one of the biggest local bodybuilders in my area tell me With your genetics you have absolutely no business in this sport. You really shouldnt embarrass yourself. Then I had a completely different local seasoned bodybuilder tell me Your training and diet methods are so terrible that you will never progress anywhere. You either need to change the way you do things or quit now. I literally almost quit after having these two guys tell me this, I also considered changing the way I do things. In the end I decided to stick with what I knew was right and decided to see how far I could take this bodybuilding thing. I sit here today and I make 100% of my income off of the sport of bodybuilding and I now get to work with and share my ideas on training and nutrition with the guys I have looked up to since the beginning. I would have missed out on all of this had I let others shake my determination. Dont ever let others tell you what you are and are not capable of. If you are willing to literally give everything you have in order to achieve your goals, you might not only surprise those that doubt you, but you just might surprise yourself in the process. I know I have.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 01:39:14 +0000

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