As of today it looks like we are going over the fiscal cliff and - TopicsExpress


As of today it looks like we are going over the fiscal cliff and all over a bill passed by our Congress, approved constitutional by our Supreme Court and singed into law byour President. No one can say that our Health System is not broken. With all that said we have had a Senator from Texas speak for over 21 hours and did not solve a damn thing or bring up one good alternative to the Affordable Care Act. It was pure Bull Grandstanding ! Put your blessed minds together and come up with alternative. If not we go over the cliff. Lets see how happy we all are when interest rates climb into the 20% region and above. Lets see what happens when business comes to a crawl and money stops flowing and see how happy we are then. Many of my friends will say blame it on the black %#@$%% and to them I will say really. He proposed a bill, it was approved by the congresss and went to the highest court in land and was approved constitutional. If you do not like that than revolt and lets see what happens. IT IS HOW OUR SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT WORKS !
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 21:29:20 +0000

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