As others offer memories and condolences regarding Andre Crouch, I - TopicsExpress


As others offer memories and condolences regarding Andre Crouch, I will post this comment I made on a friends notice of Andres death. Some of you Skyline Chorale friends will clearly remember this incident from the Wesleyan Youth Convention in Urbana, ILL, in 1974: Vangie, I dont know if you remember, but on the last night of the event, at the end of the service they invited Andre back up to the platform to do My Tribute (How can I say thanks...). I was sitting on the piano bench because I had played for the invitation, so as he walked toward the piano I got up for him to sit down and he put his hand on my shoulder and said, Sit down--you play and Ill sing! I had NEVER played that song although I had heard it numerous times. I remember (in terror) looking at my hands and saying out loud to God OK, God, here we go! Andre said, D. I played a couple of chords in that key and he started to sing. There is a bridge in that tune with some unusual chord progressions and I was terrified--until all at once we were on the second verse and I realized God had literally moved my hands over that keyboard as I found the perfect progression. I have told this story over and over again in my attempt to persuade others that When God calls, He equips. (additional thoughts) I had met Andre a couple of times when he had performed at Skyline--although I am certain he had never heard me play. The thought that he would trust me to accompany him without any rehearsal, any knowledge of my familiarity with that song, was nothing short of amazing! it gave me great pleasure to add his name to those listed in my resume as someone I had accompanied!! Same way with Amy Grant. At Estes Park, Colorado at the Artists Conference she (at age 16) was helping lead some congregational singing. It just happened that I was playing for that session and so I have (with more than a little deceit) claimed to have accompanied Amy. I think those are the most blatant misrepresentations I can recall. There. Confession accomplished. However Im not certain whether there is any true repentance!!
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 18:32:03 +0000

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