As part of his half of billion dollar’s plan to combat the Ebola - TopicsExpress


As part of his half of billion dollar’s plan to combat the Ebola nightmare in West Africa, the American Leader, announced that the three thousand (3000) American Service Personnel will train five hundred (500) health workers weekly in Liberia and that seventeen (17) treatment units comprising one hundred (100) beds each will be set up. According to the Pentagon Spokesman, this plan will kick off in 2 weeks (Amanphour, CNN, Sept 16, 2014, edition, 21hrs GMT). Well, mobilizing 500 health workers for training every week is not an easy task, therefore, the National Task Force, headed by the President needs to now begin to strategize how we get these individuals weekly. Of course, we cannot recommend accountants, economists, etc, to the trainers. If this is not done rapidly as it was announced by the Americans that the ball will start rolling in two weeks, we might be here looking for people to be trained while the trainers will be sitting. Here are few open recommendations that the Task Force can consider: 1. Organize an emergency and urgent meeting with the presidents of all institutions of higher learning in our country including their deans of colleges of nursing and health sciences. These Institutions include: UL (AMD College of Medical Sciences), UMU, Stella Maris, Cuttington University (College of Nursing undergraduate and College of Public Health Graduate School), AMEU, TU, GBCC, etc 2. That these presidents and deans be informed to prepare a comprehensive list of students reading nursing and health related courses, arrange on a weekly basis for submission to the trainers through the Task Force 3. That a clear TOR be given to those students even before starting the one week training and subsequent deployment including what they stand to benefit not only in financial terms but the impact it has on their career and resume to be called an American trained Ebola health worker. After all, some of our compatriots visit Harvard University for a day seminar and they are called Harvard trained. 4. That this process of short listing be done without bias but those already pursuing this discipline be given the opportunity to serve and practice. 5. That we begin to utilize our institutions of higher learning for research purposes and put our students to work.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 09:22:34 +0000

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