As part of their criminal conspiracy with the corrupt Christie - TopicsExpress


As part of their criminal conspiracy with the corrupt Christie Administration, NBC News has arranged the space for a response to the article about the fire at the Mariners Cover Motor Inn, which seems to have been engineered by the Christie Administration to get rid of those who might try to recover the Sandy recovery funds that Christie stole, to be occupied by the ad for Westminster furniture! As a result, trying to place a comment there only results in you being taken to Westminsters website! The following is a comment I tried to place on that corruptly rewritten web page. The fact is that the Mariners Cover Motor Inn fire is as suspicious, and likely as criminally associated, as everything that happens with respect to government in New Jersey. And likely as much tied together. Access to the George Washington Bridge is eliminated to seriously even fatally inconvenience motorists, evidently as a case of petty political malingering. An individual appointed to the Port Authority by the governor is allowed to throw immensely profitable Port Authority business to their own law firm. Huge favors, courtesy of the Chris Christie stocked Port Authority are passed around to various municipalities, in exchange for political loyalty in municipal governments. Hundreds of millions of dollars of reconstruction money for homes damaged after the Sandy incident are, instead, dispensed as payoffs to various other municipalities whose mayors supported Christie. Meanwhile, to hide the personal malfeasance, Christie assigned an out-of-state firm to pretend they were doing the disbursement, paying them an unjustifiably huge portion of the funds for the favor. In the face of all of this, its no surprise, too, to learn that the Sandy incident was a fraud! New Jersey was hit by category 1 hurricanes before, but nothing like this ever happened. In fact, Sandy was just a simple noreaster and all the “damage”・was fabricated. Power outages were caused by utility companies simply shutting off circuits. Power lines were down for days, which would be illegal if they had power in them; highway lights were out, although they arent fed by overhead lines; utility vans cruised everywhere for days, but not one cherry picker could be seen. Huge amounts of funds were paid to out-of-state power company engineers to handle the situation, instead of the relatively minor amount that could be used to call in New Jersey engineers, working or retired! The :flooding”・was just a extension of the policy that has been employed for a decade now, of upland, wealthy areas like Mahwah arbitrarily opening floodgates to inundate lowland areas like Wayne to try to force people to leave. And physical damage was apparently caused by bulldozing various areas, residents in those areas forced to evacuate so they couldnt see that the damage was man made. In other words, all of Sandy was an engineered disaster so the crooks of the Christie Administration could arrange a massive land grab! Toward that end, the administration then criminally raided funds from the Transportation Trust Fund, like every governor before, only this time, it was used to erect sand dunes to protect against another Sandy type event. Since Sandy was man made, they could order another one any time people refused to believe it could happen again. Just like the Bush Administration and the fraud of “terrorism”・ The dunes are intended to ruin property values. Once people are forced to leave by property values falling, the land will be snapped up for a song, and “new legislation”・will be written eliminating the need for the dunes! In the same way, a purpose of Christies looting of the Sandy relief funds was to keep those who lost their homes from the manufactured “damage”・from being able to rebuild, forcing them to give up their land. And, now, the next level, actually killing those who were waiting to rebuild. And, face it, an administration that would arrange conditions so ambulances couldnt get to people needing help has proven itself to have depraved indifference for human life! There is absolutely no legitimate reason to assume the Christie Administration would not commit cold-blooded murder for profit at the drop of a hat!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 21:46:44 +0000

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