As per Saturday custom, I perused the few shelves at the local - TopicsExpress


As per Saturday custom, I perused the few shelves at the local Goodwill for cheap used books. Didnt find any today that I hadnt already picked up and put back down on previous Saturdays and/or Sundays. Which is just as well; Ive barely cracked any of the ones I bought on the past couple trips. Anyways, as I was walking into the Goodwill today, this song started playing over the PA on whichever station they have the radio set to. It took less than one verse of this song for me to determine that I didnt want any of the books there, that Id already rejected them the last time I was there and no new books had been put out on the shelves, but I remained there until the song concluded, because dang I like this song. And yes, I have posted this song before. On a semi related note, on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being not at all and 10 being holy crap how off putting would the following scenario be: Youre in a grocery store, minding your own business, and a fellow in his mid-thirties walks past you wearing a backwards baseball cap, his hair pulled back in a short ponytail, a few straggling hairs floating around his ears and face, his mouth seeming to be unconsciously mouthing the words to the song playing over the PA system in the grocery store. He makes brief eye contact with you and when he apparently notices you noticing him mouthing along to the song on the PA he forces a slight closed mouth grin, and as you walk on past you notice that his head is bobbing slightly (like very slightly; if you werent directly looking at this person you wouldnt even notice it at all, and even though you are looking directly at this person as he walks away from you, a red shopping basket that only has a couple things in it clutched in his right hand, you cant tell for sure if hes actually bobbing his head slightly in time with the song on the PA or if youre just imagining that he is. Either way youre fairly confident that he started mouthing the words to the song on the PA again as soon as his face was out of your field of vision. The song playing on the PA in the grocery store is Breakdown by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Scale of 1 to 10. Be honest.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 01:57:50 +0000

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