As per usual, I am up early again this morning. After my first cup - TopicsExpress


As per usual, I am up early again this morning. After my first cup of coffee (large 20 oz cup. LOL.) And a few minutes of browsing through the newsfeed on FB and a few minutes of mindless, mind numbing drivel and a few minutes of more mindless game playing and a prayer for peace and understanding on this day, I am beginning to feel functional. First things first, two Police Officers from my home town, Burleson, TX were shot yesterday after pursuing a bank robbery suspect. Both are going to be fine and the suspect was taken into custody. Prayers for all involved today and in the days to come. But pray especially for the two officers, because though they will be fine physically after some time to heal, the wounds inflicted emotionally by being shot will take much longer to heal. Ive never understood what drives anyone to think they can rob a bank and get away with it. Gone are the days of the old west as portrayed by hollywood where sometimes the bad guys get away. With all of the modern technology in place to protect the banks and other places of business youve got to be a special kind of stupid to try and pull off something like this. You just arent going to ever get away with it. Period. SMH. At best, youll get caught and no one will get hurt, producing as a result a lot of mad individuals who want to see you spend the next 20 yrs or so busting rocks. At worst, youll hurt someone or kill them and produce as a result a lot of mad people who would like nothing more than to see your sizzling remains strapped to an electrified chair. You just arent ever going to win. So please, do something a little more constructive..... like, get a job. In other news, Christmas is almost upon us. I cant think of a more appropriate thing to do today than to say a special prayer for all those whose family members will be away this holiday season, serving in the armed forces of this nation. We had 2 inches of rain overnight thursday into friday morning. The sun then came out for a while yesterday afternoon before the clouds took over once again. This morning as I look out my window, the clouds are still here and its going to be an overcast day. But I am so ever grateful for the rain as it was much needed. Heres praying you had some too. Ive a letter written to a person in a position of power on behalf of an individual seeking mercy and leniency. I ask that you trust me in my stance on this issue, without question(s) and lift a prayer to the Father of all that the words I have to say will produce for this individual and his family the desired results. His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen. Back to Christmas, we know not the actual date of the birth of Christ. For all practical purposes, it really doesnt matter what time of the year it took place. What matters most is that it did and there were a myriad of witnesses to God, becoming man and living among His creation for the sole purpose of redeeming mankind from the ravages of the evil one. I said that to say this, as I was sitting here this morning, drinking my morning coffee I was reminded of all the young parents I know who have recently experienced the joys of bringing new life into this world. That in turn reminded me of Joseph and Mary and the birth of Jesus. Though nothing is said about the days before Messiahs birth except that Mary and Joseph had to go to Bethlehem because of a decree of the king that a census be taken of all the inhabitants of the land. This timing of this trek to Bethlehem was not the best for the proud parents to be. Here she is, almost ready to deliver and theyve got to leave their home to travel to a distant town just so some power hungry politico could know who and how many were his constituents. Sounds familiar. But, I wonder. I wonder what did they talk about on that journey? Did they complain about having to make the trip? Or were they so wrapped up in the miracle that was about to take place that the inconvenience of the trip was forced out of mind by the news they both knew, that the child of which they were about to bring into this world was to be the Saviour of the world? Who can know for sure? But this I do know. The contents of their conversation would most certainly have been tempered by their faith in God. The deep abiding faith I know for certain that Mary possessed would have most certainly produced a trip filled with awe and wonder as opposed to complaint and aggravation. The same is true for us today. In the midst of all the chaos of this time of year, Ive seen and heard many many complaints. Ive issued and put forth my share as well in the past. But this year is different for me. Ive chosen to remember the reason for the season, Christ Jesus the King. As such, my attention is not focused so much on the logistics of the trip as it is on the events to take place upon arrival at my destination. Think about it. Shalom. Peace. Peace on Earth. And much Goodwill to all men!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 13:47:18 +0000

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