As posted by a Scottish friend...with passion! Why not let - TopicsExpress


As posted by a Scottish friend...with passion! Why not let Scotland have their independence. Sack the fifty nine MP’s and the six MEPs, Scotland will no longer be a member of Europe as of 19th September anyway. Give them back the Bank of Scotland and The Royal Bank of Scotland with the current combined debt of 35Billion British Pounds owed to the British Government. Close all UK Governments office in Scotland with the exception of a small consular office in Edinburgh. As they will no longer have access to the nearly 200 Embassies and Consular offices round the world let then set up a mirror system to protect and help those with The New Scottish Passport. With winning Independence they are committed to close Faslane with at least 10,000 job losses but they could always set up their own Army, Navy and Airforce. They can use The Pound as long as they settle their share of the national debt in total on the morning 19th of September. Separate the NHS completely. and cancel all funding for research in Scottish hospitals paid today by the NATIONAL Health Service. Cancel the passports of all those eligible to Vote and issue a new Scottish Passport. Those of us British and proudly British but born in Scotland will keep our British passports as is. We have nothing to fear. Go the whole hog and let Scotland become a republic, why should they have access to our marvelous British Queen. President Salmond and Vice President Sturgeon will be in their element and The Queen can donate her magnificent palaces to Scotland to be used as their private residencies. As all the major money related industries, Insurances and Private Investment Houses move to England and create new jobs for loyal British subjects these empty buildings around St Andrews Square can become Premier Inns and the like. Why not let Scotland be run by the people who built at Scottish Parliament Building at 400Milion British Pounds over budget and a half-finished Tram Line at, so far, over a BILLON British pounds. All British Tax Payers money of course. Finally Shetland, who actually own all Scottish Oil need not declare Independence from an Independent Scotland, they can apply to become part of The United Kingdom which will be approved on the afternoon of the 19th. Have a nice day.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 08:58:40 +0000

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