As promised, an update of last nights incident. First, a short - TopicsExpress


As promised, an update of last nights incident. First, a short catch up. I am currently staying in Wantirna Health. It is. Palliative and rehabilitation extension of Victorian Eastern Health Services. Ive been here for about a week doing a pain management assessment as weve been having trouble balancing the right combination of longterm and breakthrough pain relief. After I had to be removed from the trial I was undergoing the tumours had started regrowing, especially the one over the liver. No biggie, just continue using to improve my quality of life. Because of the use for the building inevitably both the patients and staff undergo a great deal of stress. This is a very new building, large and roomy, and 99% of my experience here has been nothing but positive. Staff members cannot so enough for you and get upset if you dont tell them you need some sort of health. Sadly at least one resident moved on to their next journey yesterday morning. Late afternoon I heard one nurse tell another nurse he had to help her finish her rounds because hed done his. Hes such a sweet young man he complied straight awAy without complaint. The other nurse was an older woman and she was accompanied by another nurse (again to impress the high level of support and assistance provided to patients and staff). I finally dozed off to be woken about 8pm. The woman across the corridor from me has a learning disability. We are rendered all day by concerts from her vast range of musical DVDs. :). Yesterday she was a bit over the top, and slightly more aggressive to nurses. Understandable. But then I heard the young nurse speak rudely back at her. At 8:36 I am awoken by a very loud voice. The younger nurse was yelling at another patient. This is an elderly man who, as far as I can tell is completely bed ridden. And scared and confused. Her anger appeared to be that it was the third time hed called for his meds. She was trying to do meds, but he kept interrupting her, do she hadnt had a chance to get to him yet. And this, for want of a better description, verbal abuse went on for several minutes. I jokingly told Tina I was too scared to call for pain relief in case I got her. :). Which I wasnt and didnt. Instead another nurse came along and I told her I needed pain relief and to speak to the I/C nurse. At 8:50. I was told she was in the middle of hand off and that she would come as soon as shed finished. at 10pm I was told the I/C had gone home. This was when I talked about speaking to the nursing manager. Everybody last night was wonderful. Lovely, helpful, doing anything they could. They could not do nothing about the incident but made sure my own personal comfort was taken care of, At about 8:00 am the I/C came I to the room. Apologised. Knew I needed to speak to her, but had to do meds. Would I mind waiting. She left about twenty minutes ago. I told her what happened. Explained it wasnt about getting nobody in trouble, but my concern was as much as for the nurse as the patients. She agreed and will be looking at what tools she can help her with. As I said, even the ability to turn around and say Im not coping. I need help. Naturally it the staff members day off today, so it escalates a little more. :(. But I felt I was heard, and it hope the issue will be addressed. We now return you back to your normal viewing highlights.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 22:49:10 +0000

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