As promised, here is an excerpt from Frost - You dont know - TopicsExpress


As promised, here is an excerpt from Frost - You dont know what my detail is. Youre standing here talking to me. I didnt fall off the sleigh yesterday, Holly. I can do the math. Look, tell Claus Im fine, but Im not ready to come back. He shoved his hands in the pockets of his crisp grey slacks and started past me. “When I’ve made my decision regarding my future at the North Pole, I will let the Chief know.” I couldnt let him go. Allowing him to walk away would mean I failed. No matter what the history was between us, I couldnt let that happen. Without thinking, I grabbed his arm, leaned in close enough to smell the scent of cool pine-laced breezes wafting off his skin, and whispered, I dont want you to go. And they were some of the truest words I’d spoken in regards to the man who’d captured my heart. He turned his head slightly, his lips brushing against my cheek as he spoke. Why? The slight contact wreaked havoc on my nerves and I began to tremble. He was so close. Everyone deserved a second chance, maybe this was my chance to let my guard down and seize a piece of happiness for myself. All Id have to do is reach out and take him. But I couldnt. Doing so was against regulation. He was my assignment. Taking him into custody and returning him to the North Pole was a direct order given by the Chief himself. Giving in to my own wishes and desires was not an option. I couldn’t shake the memories from our last night together and it made answering Jack impossible. I…wrapping. My voice sounded far off and distant. Like I was having an out-of-body experience. Around Jack, I always wanted to be present in body, at the very least. I started to hyperventilate. So you haven’t forgotten. A small, swirling pattern of snowflakes took form in the depths of his eyes. Walk with me. He placed his hand at the small of my back, briefly brushing my handcuffs. You were going to handcuff me? Last resort only. Really? He pulled at my over shirt to reveal my gun and the corners of his mouth drew up in amusement And this is purely an accessory? Do you want me to shoot you? Regardless of the answer, Ethan was right. There would be no way I could fire a weapon at the man in front of me. Not if its filled with one of Docs tranqs. Wouldnt want you to take advantage of me. He chuckled as we walked through the crowd towards Macys. Its no spiked eggnog.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 22:34:16 +0000

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