As promised, heres the auction for my entire lot of remaining Drax - TopicsExpress


As promised, heres the auction for my entire lot of remaining Drax the Destroyer sketches including my ORIGINAL character design of DRAX that inspired his look in Guardians of the Galaxy. Even down to the knives. THE STORY: I spent most of my early twenties lugging my portfolio from convention to convention, pounding the pavement of 5th Ave. below the hallowed halls of Marvel editorial, and amassing a pile of rejection letters from every comic book company imaginable and getting very little hit or miss work. It was the summer of 2005, and I was living in Manhattan (if you can call it living) and focusing every last bit of energy I had into achieving the dream. Out of money and time, I was close to throwing in the towel all together when Marvel associate editor, Andy Schmidt (now with Comics Experience) called me up to invite me to try out for this little miniseries starring Drax the Destroyer with writer Keith Giffen. I had honestly never even heard of Drax before, but I knew a big break when I saw one. I spent the next several days creating sample work to show Andy and Keith, and I got the job. My first task was to create an entirely new look for Drax the destroyer. They wanted a radical departure from the dated (but still ironically cool) Jim Starlin design. I packed up my materials and headed down to Marvels 5th Ave. office and sat in an empty cubicle and started sketching *new* Drax. I spent an afternoon outfitting an edgy new Drax with periodical visits, comments, and direction from Andy. It was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. For one afternoon Andy and I were like Stan and Jack, jamming in the Marvel studio. Nothing quite like it ever happened again while I was working with Marvel. Thanks for listening and thanks to all of you that supported my work. Happy bidding! cgi.ebay/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=281404082036
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 00:23:51 +0000

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