As promised , status Ive told u about :-) correct me if Im wrong - TopicsExpress


As promised , status Ive told u about :-) correct me if Im wrong on this 1 (y) When you are with a girl, no matter who she is, remember that you are with the half of the humanity’s life. She deserves respect and a lot of love. She deserves to be free from pain, danger or sadness if she is with you. She deserves to be treated as the most special world in the world, for she treats you as the most special boy in the world. Always hold her hand and always put her on the safe side while walking. No matter where both of you are - streets, cities, villages or fields. Let her feel the warmth of your hand. Let her feel how she gives warmth to your life. Let her feel secure for just a few minutes with you, she will need it as she struggle through giving birth of a child. Make her feel special. Never compare her with anyone else. If you love her, she will be the most beautiful woman in your eyes. Even after ten, twenty, or thirty years from now, she will always look the same with how you met her before. Compliment her with the reality. She may not believe it at first. She may judge her self as a low end. She may always talk to the mirror, ranting how ugly or useless she is. She may feel insecure with her looks. No, don’t let her feel like that. Boost her up. Let her stay on her own two feet, but still grounded with reality. Remember, she will only trust a few people with how they look at her. Those people will be her only memory of how beautiful she is, or how beautiful she was before as she plays with her grandchildren. Hug her. This is the best way to tell her how much you love her. Never let her feel any pain or jealousy. Hug her every time. Hug her even though there is no occasion, for every moment you are with her, it’s the best occasion of your life. Hug her while both of you are gazing at the stars. Hug her while the cool breeze swifts through the open green field. Hug her while you’re singing her a love song, or an acoustic song, or a flip- flop. Hug her after eating at the finest cuisine or at the most delicious coriander. Hug her after every rally. Hug her before and after every class. Hug her every time you will see her. Hug her as you kiss her forehead, her cheeks, or her lips. Hug her like there’s no tomorrow. Take it from a point of view of a man, hugging her gives strength to both your and her heart and soul. Hug her and you will feel the best feeling in your life. Cherish every moment you are with your girl. Let her feel that she is important, that she is unique, that she is beautiful. Trust her own strength, never treat her as a weak baby, incapable of deciding for her own fate. But, like everyone, when her wings falter while on its flight, be always there to catch her when she falls. Do all of this and you will be remembered not as a gentleman, not as a prince in shining armor, not as a dragon slayer, not as the most handsome teen star or the hottest hunk model. Do all of this and you will be remembered as their most lovable boyfriend, crush, classmate, son, grandson, father, grandfather. Do all of this, and you’ll be able to prove to yourself that you are already a man of your own honor
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 17:49:13 +0000

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