As reported to NLAF: Dear Sirs, This morning after - TopicsExpress


As reported to NLAF: Dear Sirs, This morning after breakfast I had an encounter in Medical Services with HSA Taylor. She was at the Camp for Insulin line and pill line. I requested the renewal of my bottom bunk pass. I requested a copy of my latest eye examination. HSA Taylor said that I did not meet the criteria for a bottom bunk pass. That criteria was not explained to me since my bottom bunk pass had only expired and my condition had not changed. My vision problems have not been corrected and my cataracts are now a visible white circle in the pupil of my eye. HSA Taylor stated that she did not have time to pull up my last eye exam. HSA Taylor was rude, disrespectful and dismissive of my medical concerns. HSA Taylors behavior amounts to deliberate indifference to my seeing disability which Aliceville is now responsible for. Perhaps I am not the only person in need of corrective aids for vision. I am legally and functionally blind with out my glasses and personnel responsible for providing reasonable, customary and necessary care will not or can not provide that care. So, as the White Cataract Circle has expanded around my pupils HSA Taylor simply states that Theres nothing wrong with you. HSA Taylor told me that she would not be giving me a bottom bunk pass and that I can see. The Optometrist whom I say September 11, 2014 would disagree with HSA Taylors assessment of my condition. No one in Medical has explained to me why the Optometrist recommended a CT Scan on my head after my eye exam. HAS Taylor is responsible for administering Medical Services here at Aliceville. While HSA Taylor was orienting new victims here at Camp Aliceville she was informed of a medical mistake by one of her staff. The Medical Staffer, Nurse Ely gave an inmate another inmates medication despite the inmate informing Nurse Ely that she did not take that dosage. HSA Taylor responded that sometimes they have to rob Peter to pay Paul. This is not acceptable provision of medical services. I believe that I have officially arrived at the new FBOP universe. Negligent and indifferent medical professionals are in charge here at Aliceville Camp. These medical professionals are placing inmate lives in harms way. Medication errors, prescription errors and medications withheld from inmates is the norm here. This behavior must be condoned my FBOP at the highest levels otherwise it could not exist. Our Pharmacist Dr. Harris is overruling the physicians prescriptions. Only in FBOP does a facility designed for 202 currently house over 280 women. The provision of medical is substandard because no one is here at the Camp to offer medical or emergency care. The Physicians Assistant has been reassigned. The Physician who only came once a week has resigned. We are left with HAS Taylor and a series of RNs. This is the face of the new FBOP incarceration plan for women. Remember, Women are FBOPs perfect victims. My suspicion is that the pharmacist is taking what has been prescribed for inmates. An inmate prescribed 90 grams of cream received 60 grams per cycle for a whole year. Where did the other 30 grams per month go? I have been in the care of FOP for over a year. My medical condition has continued to deteriorate. I have a seeing disability. My medical care continues to be substandard. My care now approaches negligent and indifferent care. I need to know what FBOP rules and regulations condones this level of mistreatment by HSA Taylor and her staff. HSA Taylor is not knowledge about Ophthalmology and is unable to offer a professional opinion about my condition. After the continuous lies offered by HSA Taylor who was not responsive to my requests for information it is difficult to trust HSA Taylor and her medical service team with a hang nail much less my vision or my life. I understand that this Administration believes that my complaints are trivial yet the ADA considers seeing a major life activity. My life, my eyes and my person are not trivial. Aliceville either never had the financial resources to care for 256 women or the funds disappeared after reaching Aliceville. This Camp facility can reasonably hold based on floor space 202 women. The building for recreation services can hold comfortably 50 women at a time, the Chapel can hold 75 women, and the Kitchen seats 68 women. Aliceville Camp is overcrowded at 280 women. Now the Camp has no Physician, No Physicians Assistant and no Emergency Medical Care provider. I am still a Citizen of the United States. I still have rights. The right to adequate medical care is being violated here at Aliceville Camp by HAS Taylor and this Administration. The attitude here at Aliceville is that inmates have no rights and Administration can do what ever they like to us and no one will complain or notice. I prefer to believe that I am still a person and entitled to be treated with respect. I do not expect any response but I do believe that agencies responsible for the actions of Administration and Health Services here at Aliceville need to know. Respectfully, T.W.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 07:03:28 +0000

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