As requested (gosh why Im I starting to ship this?): Harry - TopicsExpress


As requested (gosh why Im I starting to ship this?): Harry found Hermione on the staircase after she had witnessed Ron and Lavender put on quite the show in the Gryffindor Common Room. “Hey Hermione.” He said softly, sitting down next to her and wrapping his arm around her trembling shoulders. “Oh. Hi Harry.” She replied, brushing away her tears. “It’s alright to cry, you know.” He told her, gazing at her sad eyes. “I know. I’m not even really that devastated, more frustrated, I think. I wasted all my time on a guy who didn’t see me as anything more than a friend.” Harry nodded, having difficulty understanding why Ron would ever look over a girl as amazing as Hermione. “I’m okay though. I just needed to get him out of my system.” She stood up, extending her hand out to help Harry up also. He fidgeted for a moment, looking anywhere but at her. “Are you alright Harry?” She questioned, wondering why Harry had started acting so strange all of a sudden. “What? Oh. Yea! Totally alright!” He said, starting to pace, running his hands through his wild hair. “Uh-huh. Sure you are.” Hermione said, crossing her arms. “Look,” He said stopping in front of her. “I just don’t understand how Ron could pick Lavender over you. I mean, you’re….you’re gorgeous, smart, and funny.” He started pacing. “What are you on about Harry?” She asked, beyond confused. He stopped in front of her again, quite flustered. He didn’t know what to say, so he just acted. He pulled his best friend in for a kiss, a kiss he’d wanted to give her for ages. Hermione’s eyes went wide, it took her a moment to snap out of it, and before she even started kissing him back. Harry flinched away from her and backed into a wall. “Sorry. Oh wow – that was – I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. Really shouldn’t have. I’ll be going now.” With that, Harry dashed away, leaving Hermione in a daze. At that moment, Ron and Lavender came giggling down the stairs. Just for fun, she sent birds flying at them before running off to find Harry. He hadn’t gone far before he heard Hermione run up behind him. “Harry!” She called, grabbing his shoulder to stop him. “What was that?” “I like you, okay?” He said, turning around, wanting to kiss her slightly pink lips again. “Really?” She questioned. “Yea. It’s not like it matters, seeing as you clearly don’t reciprocate those feelings.” Harry began to rant about how he was so embarrassed, but he couldn’t help how he felt, and eventually she had no choice but to shut him up. So this time, she kissed him, and his eyes widened before he returned the kiss. When they parted, Hermione touched her forehead to his. “You didn’t even give me a chance, Harry James Potter.” “So, uh, what do you think?” He asked, smiling nervously. “Well, I think I really like kissing you.” She giggled as he blushed. “So, want to give us a try?” She asked him. “I’d love too.” It was awkward, it was that unbelievable romantic story from the movies, but it happened. Harry and Hermione clicked, and Harry honestly couldn’t think of a day where he’d ever want to be without her, and neither did she. They walked hand in hand, eager to discover what lay ahead of them. ~ Astoria
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 04:38:23 +0000

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