As requested, this is the Florida boys story as I know it. I saw - TopicsExpress


As requested, this is the Florida boys story as I know it. I saw a post in Ferrets Dookin in the USA, a rehome group. Most posts there are simply people trying to rehome. This one was different. I saw the pictures, and was appalled. You see, I have a boy, Harpo, my third ferret, that came from craigslist. He was living in a nasty wire cage, with wire floors, outside, with no hammocks or bedding. There was no food bowl, and a nasty green water bottle. The owners had run out of food, so were feeding him those walmart ferret treats that come in a can. I drove two hours to collect him. Back to the present. After pm-ing the person who shared the ad, (not the owner) I found out this ferret was ALSO out of food, and it sounded as though the owner had no intention of getting more. Originally asking $200, the owners were now at $50. Being hours from me, I hollered for help. Sent Jenny a pm, (Best sheltermom I know, and the slabe to THE Divine Miss Murphy. If you dont know Miss M, ASK! Shes amazing!) Also sent a text, a cry for help, since I am impatient and couldnt stand to wait for her to get on FB! Jenny immediately answered me, but she was also some distance away. Kim was closest, but Stinky Petes is full. I gave Kim a call, a quick rundown. If she could pick him up, I would pay his ransom, and Jenny would give him a home. A bit of juggling, email with the owners, and Kim was headed to pick him up. 9:00pm, on a Sunday, she dropped everything and ran to get him, into not the best of neighborhoods, I am told. (Thank you again!) As she hit the road, I had been in my Ninja group, just venting. Immediately, the Ninjas sent his ransom money, with extra to cover gas and vet if needed. She got him home..... very thin, filthy, freddy kreugar nails. Bath, revolution and nails clipped, and he spent perhaps the first night of his life with a full belly, in soft blankies. She said he spends most of his day with his head in the food bowl. His name is currently Snoopy, and he will meet his Charlie Brown tomorrow. New Mommy Jenny. There is NOWHERE Id rather see him go. I have been to Jennys shelter, Astis ferret haven, and it really is that..... a haven. I am still somewhat dumbstruck, how quickly this all happened. From the time I saw the post, to a text from Kim, I got him! (Best words ever, btw) was just over 3 hours. Thank you ladies. I cannot say it enough. These are the pics that started it all.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 12:34:52 +0000

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