As salaamu alaikum All, I was just wondering what is Israels - TopicsExpress


As salaamu alaikum All, I was just wondering what is Israels intended end-game? World according to Rashida: I think everything they are doing is based on the belief that they can create the necessary scenario for the Messiah to return. They need the Al Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock to be destroyed to rebuild King Solomons ancient temple, etc. The only problem with all of this is - Islaam and Muslims, and not to mention Allah removed His covenant from you. You know this. They know this. So, what do you and they think will happen after Christians, primarily the Evangelicals, and the Zionists think will happen once all of the Muslims have been butchered, gased and mutilated, their very existence cleansed from the area? What happens when the Messiah does not appear? What happens if nothing happens? What happens if the natural gas under Gaza isnt as plentiful or pure as necessary to sell as their speculators expect that it is, what happens then? What will happen to the fervor of certain Christian groups of especially those located in America and the UK, if they do not experience the Rapture that they expect to occur once the Zionists purge the Holy Land of Muslims? What happens to the relationship between the Zionists and the Evangelicals when the later (finally) realizes that they have been duped or at best misinformed, misguided? Does anyone really believe that the Israelis can force the Hand of the Creator of mankind? They do obviously, but does everyone else believe that? When will the Zionists understand that the Messiah came as he had been foretold but their ancestors wickedness kept them from hearing and obeying? When will Christians come to understand that the Zionists are NOT your friend, they blame your nations for the atrocities inflicted upon them by Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, and they are not wrong either. But, friends you are not. When will the collective world get off of their collective butts, and stand up to the aggression, and inhumanity that is the Zionists occupation of Palestine? When will people seek to please their Creator rather than cowering to the dictates of two nations!?! I am afraid to stand before my Creator on Judgment Day, and when I am asked about my actions in the course of these events to say that I did nothing. I watched the news and new I was being lied to but still did nothing. I liked Facebook posts, but still purchased apartheid products, still elected pro-apartheid leaders, took open enemies of my Deen as auliya and helps despite Allah giving me clear guidance not to do so. I could be wrong but I dont think nationalism, ethnic identity, etc come before our creed if you will as one Ummah. Either I have a misunderstanding or we are failing our Muslim brothers and sisters all over this planet. I dont know I just dont think our excuses are going to fly with Allah, I just dont...
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 20:11:01 +0000

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