As salaamu alaikum Iqhwani Muslimeen wal Muslimah. First I remind - TopicsExpress


As salaamu alaikum Iqhwani Muslimeen wal Muslimah. First I remind myself before others. What Im expressing is nothing personal, so please no sympathy Lol. Ive learned from many married brothers, but more importantly from the example of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (sallahu alayhi wasalam) that in an argument or disagreement with a spouse, a sincere, humble husband accepts his faults even if his intentions wasnt to bring about any hurt or offense to his wife. He patiently listens to her complaint to bring about reconciliation no matter how angry or sensitive she is. Its her right to express her emotions and opinions freely even if she raises her voice, but she should always remind herself to refrain from offensive language and hurt when addressing her husband. The husband (more importantly if hes a peaceful man) also has rights that should be acknowledged and respected and he should not be subjected to hasty irrational behavior by his wife (likewise in retrospect to the wifes rights). If somehow your communication is bringing more harm than benefit, then please take a short break and evaluate the situation with an open mind and heart before Shaytan gets in between to destroy you. Be mindful of the importance of who you love and why, and also be mindful that shaytan loves to cause division especially between family and spouses, so seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan. Audhu bilahi mina shaytan ir rajeem, Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem. May Allah Subhana wa ta ala protect us from fitnah that affect our relationships with our relatives, our loved friends, and spouses. May Allah also Increase us in sabr, hikmah, ilm, eeman by keeping us upon the deen with guidance and noor. May He also grant us to be safe in Jannah (paradise) with those whom we love and love us. Ameen :)
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 06:17:21 +0000

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