As salaamu alaikum, have we all made our intentions to do Itikaf? - TopicsExpress


As salaamu alaikum, have we all made our intentions to do Itikaf? This is a practice of the Prophet (PBUH) that he never missed since the time he arrived into Medina until he passed away (PBUH). Whatever the Prophet (PBUH) did, there is great wisdom and intelligence behind it! This is a practice he highly recommended not only for men, but even for the women! Aisha (RA) states that the Prophet (PBUH) would perform Itikaf in the last ten nights of Ramadan until he passed away, and then his wives continue to do so after him. Bukhari. This is a practice highly encouraged for the entire Ummah! Arent we all so fortunate to be living to see another Ramadan?! Dont we wish to try to make the absolute most of it inshaaAllah?! Well this is the one way to end Ramadan in a very strong way and to give you GREAT strength and focus heading forward inshaaAllah! Ask those who have done it, they will tell you no doubt it was the best decision of their lives and probably one of the most spiritually high and peaceful points of their life! All you need to do is sacrifice a little bit of time and make a little bit of effort, and you will most certainly see the results back inshaaAllah! The goal is to focus one on One with the Creator by spending those last 10 nights in privacy in the Masjid. You will be able to concentrate best when you eliminate all distractions and focus trying to put all your attention on Him, and worshipping and praying as much as you can. If you have not already asked for days off work, try to dedicate your weekends completely in the Masjid! Dear brothers and sisters, lets end our Ramadan in the strongest way we can and give it all we got these last 10 days inshaaAllah! This could be our last Ramadan so lets make the intention that we WILL do it, INSHAAALLAH!
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 08:54:41 +0000

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