As salamu aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh dear brothers , I - TopicsExpress


As salamu aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh dear brothers , I and my wife got clearence to leave egypt but it all came so suddenly and unplanned....we didnt plan on leaving anywhere the coming year atleast...but because the situation keeps escalating more and more for each day here ...we feel we must leave.... people are getting killed in the streets by christians and secularists, army and police and intelligence service only for wearing niqab or having a beard....we keep inside the whole days and this has become to much on us, we have been on almost isolation for about 2 months now... I am forced to use the last of my savings for ticket for me and my wife and I couldnt scrape together more then 575 dollars.....the thing is I will need 575 dollars more for the tickets and living expenses for one month before me and my wife begin recieving any income in my home country....I am the owner of a toktok and have a deal with a religous man to work on it for me and Im going to contact him tomorrow to ask if he has any other joboffers as I need to sell my toktok and leave the country.... but we have made a contract for one year and I cant break it, he is also in a dire financial situation.... if you could help me out my brothers in my moment of need and may Allah azza wa jall help you out when you are in a moment of need amin
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 00:29:41 +0000

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