As-salamun alaikum wa rahmatullahi taala wa barakatuhu brothers - TopicsExpress


As-salamun alaikum wa rahmatullahi taala wa barakatuhu brothers and sisters of islam... Did you know that Doing good and having the right belief go hand in hand in Islam. In fact, doing good in practice is the proof of having the right belief in the heart. This is why the Holy Quran speaks of true Muslims very often as those who believe and do good deeds. Both the Quran and the Holy Prophet (pbuh) have told Muslims that the best among them is that person who shows the best behaviour towards other people. The more you practice the more you become a better Muslim, a better person, and a cleaner soul. You must understand that the sole purpose of Islam is to put you at peace with yourself and make you a purer and happier person. Brothers and sisters....Please dont let anything get too complicated. If it does, just use your mind. Take a step back and see the big picture; ask yourself, why would God ask me to do something like that?; Allah blessed you with a mind and a conscience and wants you to use it and make your own judgement. And never ever ever (lot of evers here!) give up!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 04:22:59 +0000

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