As some of you are aware that i have Crohns Disease, This is some - TopicsExpress


As some of you are aware that i have Crohns Disease, This is some thing that i have had for years now and suffer every day with and will do for the rest of my life!. I may look fine and healthy but the day to day effect of life is so hard and frustrating... I feel like i have little to no energy, I experience severe tummy pain, i am bloated and uncomfortable, i feel like just sitting on the sofa and watching TV all day as i have no energy.... BUT NO I DONT..... I get my ass up out of bed, shower take my meds put a smile on my face and go to work every day because i know it helps... I struggle most days but push through it and no one is any the wiser... I then make dinner for my 2 boys.... get on with house work and socialise where I can! This is my life every day.... I dont stop because if i do i will struggle even more..... So this is just my life! so please next time your out and about just give a smile to a stranger because thats all it takes to give some one that little bit to carry on and brighten their day!. They might be suffering in their own way, be it having a tough day with kids, work or some thing more serious. Isnt there enough fighting, heart break and shit going on in this world with out adding to it.... BE KIND AND THOUGHTFUL, SMILE AND LETS MAKE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE.... :) HAVE A GOOD DAY :)
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 09:35:50 +0000

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