As some of you know, I have been watching a 10 year old little boy - TopicsExpress


As some of you know, I have been watching a 10 year old little boy for an hour each morning before school starts. He has serious emotional/mental issues, but somehow, he has absolutely stolen my heart! Hes being raised by a single mom, & has really struggled this year in school, behavior wise. So, about a week ago, as I was dropping him off at school, I said, Ok, pinky promise youll behave today? He said, Oh, man...dont make me pinky promise! So thats become our ritual every morning. Ive been telling him Im proud of him each morning as hes getting out of the car, & Tuesday, he said,Why are you proud of me? I told him because hes a great kid, & hes very smart! Well, yesterday after school, (I also pick him up occasionally) he got in my car, grinning from ear to ear, & said, I stayed in class ALL day today! (If you knew his history, this is HUGE!!) There have been days when Ive had to go over to the school,& calm him down, or talk to him, because when hes upset, he just completely shuts down. He told Amy the same thing when we picked her up! So, this morning, he called me (Mom goes in a little later on Thursdays, so she takes him to school) and said that his mom forgot to get his candy to take to school today, & he knew I had bought Halloween candy yesterday, so would I please bring him over 23 pieces for his party?? I said, of course , Ill be right there. So, I met them in the car line, & had counted out enough so that he could hand out two pieces each. He was so sweet, and when I said,Stay in class all day? He held out his pinky , rolled his eyes & acted disgusted, and said,Pinky promise. But, he initiated it!!! I feel like God put him in my life, & Im so very thankful for him, & his mom, who has become my friend ! I got a very sweet text from his mom, thanking me, & saying, Youre a lifesaver, I dont know what I would do without you! I simply replied, No need to thank me, thank YOU for sharing him with us! It never ceases to amaze me how God puts people (even little people) in our life at just the right time! Will you pray that God will continue to touch his life, & bless him & his mom? Thank you all for letting me share!!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 12:55:18 +0000

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