As some of you may know I have bipolar disorder and I suffer twice - TopicsExpress


As some of you may know I have bipolar disorder and I suffer twice as many depressive episodes as I do manic episodes. I am considered a high functioning bipolar person so please dont worry about me - I take my medications and I am aware of where I am on the spectrum every day. I have avoided revealing this in the past so that people wont judge me for it. However, I cant see the point of not helping someone who is suffering from debilitating depression. It is a place in life that is completely filled with darkness - I live in sunny Texas and I dont see any light. In these depressions you cant see or feel light or ANYTHING that will comfort you. It is physically painful as well - headaches, joint aches, hurts to sit, hurts to lie down. Things that bring you immense joy when you are not in the basement matter little to you - faith, family and dogs cant reach me. Every second of every minute is spent looking for something to break through this horrible place, and some people simply cannot hang on until a tiny spec of light breaks through. HERE is the point from someone who has lived in the basement - please listen carefully to those you love when they say they are down, depressed, unmotivated, dont care about living or dying. They are telling you - please break through and help me find even a tiny bit of light. Over 83% of people will use the word suicide before they do it - please listen, dont just hope they are kidding or being dramatic. If you feel someone around you may be suicidal, along with getting them some help, please DONT LEAVE THEM ALONE!!! It may be the only way to save their lives. And pray like you have never prayed before!!!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 21:15:49 +0000

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