As some of you may know, its my twentieth birthday today. While - TopicsExpress


As some of you may know, its my twentieth birthday today. While the occasion generally means celebrations and felicitations, I cannot in good conscience allow myself that pleasure. Not while my city is under siege from its own government. Not while my fellow citizens are the last bulwark of freedom in Hong Kong, armed only with umbrellas and righteousness, and armoured only by raincoats and nonviolence. It is in this spirit that I ask all you well-wishers of my anniversaire to forgo, as I will, the pleasantries of the occasion. Instead of spending a few minutes wishing me a happy birthday, read a news article about my citys struggle. Tell your friends to tell their friends about it. If you are fortunate enough to live in a democracy, write your MP or Congressman. Join a solidarity event near you (see this group: https://m.facebook/globalsolidarityHK). Blog about it, Twitter, whatever you think would work. If youre in Hong Kong now, consider donating supplies to the protestors, or even joining them yourselves. Some may deride this as clicktivism. Perhaps. But what I have seen over live feeds and photos of the protests this weekend is that when little acts of kindness and solidarity add up, they become headline news. I thank you for reading this long request, and may we all once again walk in the sunshine of human rights. All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 07:58:21 +0000

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