As soon as I heard wheels, I knowed who was coming. That was him - TopicsExpress


As soon as I heard wheels, I knowed who was coming. That was him and bound to be him. It was the right nigger heading in a new white car up his driveway towards his garage with the light shining, but stopping before he got there, maybe not to wake em. That was him. I knowed it when he cut off the car lights and put his foot out and I knowed him standing dark against the light. I knowed him then like I know me now. I knowed him even by his still, listening back. Never seen him before, never seen him since, never seen anything of his black face but his picture, never seen his face alive, any time at all, or anywheres, and didnt want to, need to, never hope to see that face and never will. As long as there was no question in my mind. He had to be the one. He stood right still and waited against the light, his back was fixed, fixed on me like a preachers eyeballs when hes yelling Are you saved? Hes the one. Id already brought up my rifle, Id already taken my sights. And Id already got him, because it was too late then for him or me to turn by one hair. Something darker than him, like the wings of a bird, spread on his back and pulled him down. He climbed up once, like a man under bad claws, and like just blood could weigh a ton he walked with it on his back to better light. Didnt get no further than his door. And fell to stay. He was down. He was down, and a ton load of bricks on his back wouldnt have laid any heavier. There on his paved driveway, yes sir. And it wasnt till the minute before, that the mockingbird had quit singing. Hed been singing up my sassafras tree. Either he was up early, or he hadnt never gone to bed, he was like me. And the mocker hed stayed right with me, filling the air till come the crack, till I turned loose of my load. I was like him. I was on top of the world myself. For once. I stepped to the edge of his light there, where hes laying flat. I says, Roland? There was one way left, for me to be ahead of you and stay ahead of you, by Dad, and I just taken it. Now Im alive and you aint. We aint never now, never going to be equals and you know why? One of us is dead. What about that, Roland? I said. Well, you seen to it, didnt you? - Eudora Welty, Where Is the Voice Coming From?
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 01:50:35 +0000

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