As sovereign beings of consciousness, we are blessed with the - TopicsExpress


As sovereign beings of consciousness, we are blessed with the glorious gift and responsibility of free will. The power of choice is the tool that allows us to alter and shape our reality. By making a choice to observe the moment in any particular fashion, we imprint our will upon the external universe, setting energy in motion. Any scenario or possibility that we entertain in our minds or in our hearts, we send energy out to the universe to increase the probability of this outcome. Manifestation is a constant process, whether or not we are aware of how exactly we influence the state of the universe in every moment. The constant practice of being aware of one’s choice and one’s vibration is essential to an optimal, effective, and harmonious existence. The discipline of conscious choice is the act of embracing and saying yes to the power of humanity within the universe, and recognizing ourselves as divine co-creators amongst the infinite. Today, humanity finds itself living amidst the information age. Never before in our recent history has mankind been able to receive such a vast amount of information in an incredibly accessible manner. With the internet, information and knowledge can disseminate and spread so rapidly, that we describe its growth pattern as ‘viral.’ Trends in thought as well as rapid shifts in consciousness are observable now on a much more massive scale. Due to the availability and constant transference of so much information and knowledge, the potential to effectively influence and manipulate collective consciousness is… astounding. The Creation of Knowledge As we begin to compile all the information of the infinite moments and experiences we have in life, we gradually process and analyze all this information and begin to create our own personal reality matrix, or belief structure. We generate knowledge. With every definition and conclusion I come to regarding each point in space-time, I create information patterns of how I will experience similar events of this nature in the future. By changing the information pattern and how I observe a particular experience, I can change my reality and alter my experience. Consciousness is defined by the information patterns and knowledge through which we interpret and interact with the universe, internally and externally. The issue that plagues humanity today, particularly Western society, is the manipulation of this information and knowledge by a cleverly constructed control system, with motivations that do not promote harmony or a sustainable model of life. As dynamic beings of energy, our state of being is in constant flux. The energy and information that we receive from our external environment and external sources is a powerful influence upon the choices we make, especially on our emotions. Through countless mediums we are perpetually barraged with corrupted information and inefficient belief structures that promote resistance, negativity, and fear. In addition, physical and emotional traumas also drastically alter and skew the way we perceive the world around us, and thus our reality. The Fluidity of Knowledge Knowledge is a transient phenomenon, one whose very nature is change. In every moment, a new set of parameters and variables is present, and the state of the universe is new. Our awareness and knowledge, previously in a resonant state, must be reformed to take into account the new information. The fixed, predictable nature of information patterns and belief structures, are a hindrance to the ability of our consciousness to change with the moment. The key to a harmonious existence then is to enter into a state of superconductive being. This is a universal tendency, this is the Tao, and it is a state of pure acceptance and unconditional love. In consciousness, superconductivity is the ability to make the most effective choice in every moment, that one that creates the least resistance within the self and within the external universe. This does not mean, however, that the path of least resistance is necessarily an easy or pleasant choice. It does mean that in every moment, we make the choice that promotes the salvation and the highest harmony of the universe. Many times this requires a choice that subverts the ego mind. The ego is the greatest source of resistance to the flow of information and knowledge. With its emotional attachment and sense of self-importance, it influences us to make choices that promote its wellbeing over that of the entire universe. In these cases, practicing the wu wei, or taking action through non-action, can be the most effective choice to make. The effectiveness, or conductivity, of our choices is easily identifiable by the emotions and physical sensations that accompany them. If a certain pattern of choice brings forth feelings of fear, anxiety, and physical discomfort, this is obviously a choice that provides a lot of resistance to the flow of information and has a low conductivity. Conversely, choices that are connected with feelings of inner peace, gratitude, joy and pleasure, provide little resistance and are far more conductive. Through the constant discipline of awareness, we strive to achieve a fluidity of being. By allowing knowledge and information to be transitory instead of absolute, we free ourselves from emotional reactions and patterns. We are then able to spontaneously respond to the new state of the universe in every single moment. Empty the Cup Thus begins the process of emptying the cup. This entails: - Releasing limiting beliefs and corrupted information patterns that promote resistance, negativity, and fear. - Unlearning many of the ways we interpret and perceive the universe. - Being aware of the influence of prejudgments and preconceived notions. - Approaching new states of the universe with a sense of innocence and naïveté allows us to receive pure information, and process it accordingly. Our choices that are less conductive and that illicit resistance may have a lot of momentum, and it takes a conscious discipline to release these patterns. New high conductivity choices and observations can then be learned and implemented to start movement and create momentum in a more harmonious direction. Taking into account the knowledge and information from previous experiences, in addition to the new information at hand, our awareness is able to mold a new understanding and new knowledge from a previously incomplete model. The comprehension and elevation of consciousness is the one shared principle of all spiritual practices, religious institutions, and schools of thought throughout the history of humanity. As consciousness continues to approach a state of superconductivity, we undergo the process of ascension. To be filled, first become empty. About the Author Adam Lanka, originally from North Carolina, is a traveling philosopher, energetic arts healer, and physicist. His passion and interest are in bridging the gaps in the dominant paradigm, uniting science and spirituality into one journey of consciousness, and elevating the vibration of humanity. To learn more about Adam, please visit his personal blog, The Wanderlust. Find him on Facebook at Gateway Explorations. This article appeared at Waking Times.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 22:16:49 +0000

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