As the 2015 general elections approach, it is time to know - TopicsExpress


As the 2015 general elections approach, it is time to know those that are most likely to shape the periods before, during and after the elections. Here are my TOP 10. 1. GOODLUCK EBELE JONATHAN. Mr. President will remain the most important figure to watch in Nigerian politics, going into the coming elections as the sole presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party there is no doubt about his place in the making of politics this year. The possibility of a change in baton at Aso Rock Villa is getting more pronounced each day as opposition parties especially the APC work harder to take over at the centre and become the leading party in the country, if Mr. Jonathan loses the elections in February he will still be in charge until 29th of May, meaning he will steer the affairs of Nigeria and Nigerians for another five months, intimidation of impeachment meanwhile remains mere threats quite unlikely to pass through the National Assembly, not with powerful staunch backers like Senator David A. Mark. Watch Dr. Goodluck Mainasara Jonathan. 2. MUHAMMADU BUHARI. After running for presidency a number of times against Olusegun Obasanjo, Umaru Musa Yaradua and the incumbent the retired General seems to be getting it right this time around. Mr. Buhari is arguably the most popular politician in Nigeria today with an amazing youth followership driving a feverish hurricane Buharism and unprecedented support base outside his traditional areas of domination. Desperate attempts to paint his image in the ethno-religious bigotry colours keep meeting even more whitewashing of integrity, honesty and discipline from his own supporters. It looks like even as an independent Mr. Buhari will give the ruling party a scare, add his growing party and you see why he his man of the moment. 3. OLUSEGUN OBASANJO. Baba of Ota farm indeed knows how to eat his cake and replace where he has bitten, Baba Iyabo has created a sort of Demigod personality for himself with our cult cultivating politicians all trooping on pilgrimage to seek one advice (favour actually) or the other, a founding member and member board of trustees of the ruling party, his views continue to be guides for politicians from within and without his own party, rumors of visits for PDP governors to beg him on the ruling partys behalf and recurring open-secret opposition meetings with him proves beyond doubt that Baba dey kampe for politics. To great extents Obasanjos watch will swing 2015 elections. 4. AHMED BOLA TINUBU. Grandmaster of opposition politics since the return to politics, the former Lagos governors final arrival as a powerful national political force seem to be results of a brilliant maneuver rather than accident, after successfully keeping the mighty PDP at bay in Lagos and undisputed control of Southwest politics Mr. Tinubu forged a strong alliance all across the Niger So unexpected that opposition dismissed it as another stillbirth that wont survive for a year if it ever gets birthed, APC didnt only survived but became the most realistic threat to the powers that be at present. Tinubu will continue to shove the opposition until they give way of concede much space this year. 5. ROTIMI AMAECHI. The Rivers State governor may be President Jonathans most annoying and threatening pest after all, Mr. Amaechi stood his ground to overcome many attempts to floor him not long ago including use of the police and he only got stronger and better. He is they key man for All Progressive Congress presidential adventure and there can be hardly any equal to him in resourcefulness and intelligence among Director Generals of Presidential Campaigns across other parties. Mr. Amaechi will pull crowds for the APC in the Southeast and sell Buhari candidacy to Nigerians in the countdown period to Valentines day elections. He is likely to remain on the horizon far beyond elections. 6. PROF. YEMI OSINBAJO. Surprise, surprise. His emergence as Buharis running mate shouldnt have been a surprise to Nigerians, Mr. Buhari apparently always want vibrant partners at all costs, the caliber of those he had in the past like Late Chuba Okadigbo or recently firebrand Pastor Tunde Bakare proves this, a deviation from most Nigerian politicians who always want a deputy in their shadow, it is even often reported that Late Tunde Idiagbon was the main man over Buhari in his military rule era. Professor Osinbajo became an instant hit on arrival adding spice, seasoning and mint to the Buhari candidacy and he didnt disappoint his fans, the SAN went far beyond expectations and is the closest to the masses already among all vying for the presidency, if Buhari is a man of the people, Osinbajo is a part of the people. This man will certainly win more hearts than votes. 7. RABIU MUSA KWANKWASO. Most of what is to be expected from the Kano State Governor have been heard at national level but he is not finished. Kwankwaso, in the selfish ambitious nature of Nigerian politicians, immediately joined the race to the Senate when he lost the presidential ticket to Muhammadu Buhari in APC but his political roars affects not only the second most populous state in Nigeria, it goes right round Northern Nigeria and beyond, he has established a role model position for himself and his State since his return to governorship. Kwankwaso will influence the elections especially in the north and may emerge a new force if he gets to the Senate especially if (again) his party wins the presidency and gets majority in the national assembly. 8. AMINU WAZIRI TAMBUWAL. Speaker of the Federal House of Representatives is still battling with his former party The PDP Who are very bitter with his defection, Tambuwal played his cards well with PDP defying their rules from thwarting their zoning arrangement to other counter moves in the house he stood out as an odd member until eventually crossing over to the major opposition. Mr. Tambuwals position will aid the APC in the elections being their highest ranking member in government while success at his Sokoto gubernatorial ambition may not diminish his relevance on national scene. 9. AKINWUNMI AMBODE. This accountant will need extra skills to continue the rapid growth of Nigerias most important state. The political battle for the soul of Lagos is a fierce one, it is continuous too so anybody that holds it has to be strong. Lagos is much coveted by the ruling party but the desperation is more pronounced now that the PDP is not sure of holding the centre, they need something to fall back on to remain relevant and no consolation prize is greater than Lagos. How Ambode compliments the APC propaganda machine in Lagos will be of interest as Nigeria awaits either the end of Tinubu dynasty or extension of Fasholas government. 10. OLUSEGUN MIMIKO. Rather cunning, Ondo State governor have always had to find ways out of political forests and has often found some, he has migrated from one party to another and then to another seeking better luck and has returned to some after getting what they wouldnt give him elsewhere, he is a complex man within himself. Mr. Mimiko was hero to some after throwing out the dominant party of Southwest Nigeria, Action Congress then, and their leader Bola Tinubu Who claimed credits for Mimikos rise in politics. Mimiko then roundly defeated the Tinubu group again in his reelection for a second tenure but he had more surprises, he dumped the Labour Party vehicle after crossing the elections successfully and joined (rejoined) the PDP. Mimiko has already shown he has a mission to help PDP to victory in the oppositions territory, he has much over his own Ondo State already and wouldnt need to worry with any election at State level since he just returned as governor about two years ago, so the battle can go out to other states although Ondo is not among the biggest states in the region, Mimikos influence with backing from the presidency will be felt in The Southwest.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 09:31:35 +0000

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