As the 70th anniversary of D-Day arrives, I think it is important - TopicsExpress


As the 70th anniversary of D-Day arrives, I think it is important to honor those brave men who crossed the channel and landed in Normandy for what they did, which is win the freedom of western Europe… not from the Nazis, as most would have you think, but rather from our allies, the Soviet Union. Plain and simple, the United States of America and our British (including commonwealth states) and French allies did not defeat Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany was already beaten by the time we launched D-Day. The best thing that can be said about our contribution to the land war in Europe is that we decimated Nazi Germany… and I mean that in the true, historical sense of the word not in what most people think the word means. Nazi Germany lost WWII at the gate of Stalingrad, make no mistake about it. The Russians, with a LOT of logistical (tanks, planes, ammo, jeeps, food, etc.) help from the USA, had already decided the war in Europe. By the time June, 1944 had arrived, Stalin was pushing Germany back on all fronts, and was killing german soldiers by the trainload (literally). Even without a single US boot at Normandy, the Soviets were marching slowly but inescapably towards Berlin, rolling the German forces before them. What the US and Brits did, however, was actually MORE important… we saved western Europe from becoming Soviet Communist puppet states… in effect, D-Day was a much a start of the Cold War as it was anything else. I say that it was more important to save western Europe for democracy than pushing back the Nazis because, again, Hitlers fate was already sealed. Our brave troops hit the beach, and attacked to set men and women free from tyranny. They pushed back the Germans, and in doing so the lands that they captured (for the most part, at least in the west) remain free to this day. When I say that we decimated the German army in the true sense of the word, I mean that we (the western allies not including the Soviets) were responsible for 1 in every 10 of the German armys casualties… whereas the Soviets were responsible for 9 out of 10 of German casualties. Originally, decimation was a punishment in which one in every ten men in an army was executed, so we really actually DID decimate the Germans. The Soviets annihilated the Germans. IF we hadnt invaded, Hitler would have fallen. We would have continued to send massive materials support to the Soviets, then watched them roll up all of Europe except Britain… the Soviet block would have included all of Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, pretty much everything… and our would would probably be a much different place today. If Hitler hadnt been an idiot and not declared war on us, he might have actually beaten the Russians… but the day he declared war on the US was the beginning of the end. So HONOR those great vets not only for killing Nazis and helping to end the war sooner than it otherwise would have, but honor them for keeping western Europe free as well. Thats what they REALLY did.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 02:28:21 +0000

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