As the City Council are possibly preparing to sell the building - TopicsExpress


As the City Council are possibly preparing to sell the building off for £1, we are currently in talks with the arts group in residence there, Urban Strawberry Lunch. Together with the Proprietor of the Historical website of St Luke’s Church, (myself), I believe that we can come up with a suitable plan of action. This plan would not only enlist the help of the Councillors whose ward it currently sits with, but to also look at the possibility of setting up a Charitable Trust where donations could start to roll in from the Public to show their support that we do not want this fine and historical building going to a Developer. There is also the possibility of looking in to a grant from the Lottery to show that funds could be raised further. However the site of St Luke’s which was granted to the town by Lord Derby in 1791, and it was a condition of his gift that this land should never be devoted to any other purpose than the site of a Church. We need YOUR support. We need you to do a few things. Firstly, spread the word that St Luke’s Church is under more threat in 2014 than it was in 1941. A website is currently work in progress to highlight this campaign officially and this will be launched within the next couple of days. Secondly, see if you are willing to donate funds if and once a Charity Trust is set up to show your support that we can continue to bring money in for our Church. Thirdly, make the City Council aware of your thoughts on the possible sale of this Church to developers. Do this via e-mail directly to the Mayor at this link: St Luke’s Church is a War Memorial for those who lost their lives in World War 2. It should therefore remain like this. While ongoing work is needed such as making the tower water tight as it is currently without its roof, and on-going repair work, it is now a place of reflection. It is not there for a quick money making development scheme to the highest bidder for flats. Lastly, we have seen the very real possibility of projects in Liverpool that have never (thankfully) seen the light of day, such as the proposed demolition of St John the Divine’s Church, Fairfield, or the proposed Rotunda extension at Childwall Parish Church, let us do what small steps each of us can take to make sure that this fantastic and well loved building is in the correct hands of the people that truly care for the building and all it stands for.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 21:43:35 +0000

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