As the Equine Rescue and Service Equine Training program are - TopicsExpress


As the Equine Rescue and Service Equine Training program are splitting (the reason I resigned from SOSER), I wanted to introduce the reason Service Equine Training is so important to me and other people. I am sharing Chino and Is story: I wanted to introduce Chino, I think so everyone has an idea how important Service Equines are to their partners. I have said it before Chino is unique as in the only horse in the world currently trained to do what he does. It was a bit of an accident. I use our story a lot to explain why Service Horse Training became my drive in life. Because of Chino as well four more people have Service Equines........ but it all starts with a shut in and her horse. In 2009 I was the victim of a rather violent crime, I had always had slight PTSD issues from childhood but this shoved them over the edge. I had a farm, and I had a horse rescue running and had for years. Which was good.... I was no longer willing to leave my farm or home. I have flashbacks that also work much like seizures. To me this is horrifically embarrassing which increased the refusal to leave home. In early 2009 though I kept getting calls about the kid killing horse and desperate pleading to come get him. It took two friends to drag me out of the house..... the rescue was full but I wanted to see if I could at least offer some training advice. When I got there I found a near dead 29.5 inch mini on a dog chain with a halter growing into his head. The rescue didnt have room, so I crammed him into the only space available MY ROOM. He stayed with me through the worst of what I was dealing with, and I believe due to preservation and head mare spooks..... I need to run but in a 12 by 12 room prompted him to try and fix spooking. Looking at his view. He KNOW 3 to 5 minutes before any issues they are occurring (because severity has created seizure reactions). He became the first ever alert horse..... I am receiving research funds to see if I can retrain it in a humane way (I was humane to Chino but he came in under horrific circumstances). I now had a warning/distract/prevent horse for the thing that kept me home the most. Once we were well partnered I decided to venture for the first time in a long time. I started talking to people who wanted to play with the adorable itty bitty horse. I started potty training him and teaching him about 100 other things that make me more comfortable in public..... like preventing people from walking up behind me or getting in my space. I got a sliver of me back...... I got a part of my life back that had been long gone. I started doing mini equine therapy I started showing again, I got an off the farm job again...... I went back to school and got a Masters in Nonprofit Administration, Leadership and Design (rescues that need NPO assistance feel free to contact me). Chino and I took back what I lost and what had been important to me. Even two years ago when a circumstance beyond description shattered my life (still dealing with the fall out and set backs)...... Chino was there so I didnt lose ground. Every day I have my partner he makes my life possible. I am trying to make it possible without him since moving to town and having a near impossible time finding needed employment (not legal BTW) but the reality is I cannot survive without him easily unless I find 100% in home employment...... but I do not want to be a shut in again either. I love the life he gave me back! I only did a small favor saving his life once...... since 2010 he saves mine daily. That is the impact of Service Equines. Please feel free to debate if Chinos unique sole horse warning system can be trained into other horses. Numerous people with seizures and dog allergies want to know...... I am stepping down from SOSER because it started as a horse rescue it is difficult to impossible to drop the horse rescue. The cost of rescues takes time/money and energy away from Service Equine Training. I am building another NPO organization while resigning from SOSER that will only train Service Equines. Anyone interested in being on the ground floor board can contact me. Meet Chino, and with the permission of other horse and human partners I will introduce the other Service Equines. (Stickler for ethics I need signed permission before anyone can meet the other service equines).
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 13:54:23 +0000

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