As the Islamic holiday of Eid-Al Fitr approaches us, let us not - TopicsExpress


As the Islamic holiday of Eid-Al Fitr approaches us, let us not forget the turmoil that is facing our homelands in the Middle East. Despite all the tribulations and woes, we remain hopeful, and as we say every year, we wish everyone in the homeland good health and send bountiful of prayer for peace to prevail. May the light of wisdom and understanding overshadow the darkness of bigotry and blasphemy and sectarianism. May love make hatred disappear, allowing everyone in the Middle East to accept and love others, allowing them their basic right to the freedom of religion and the pursuit of happiness. On this specific occasion, I call on all my colleagues, friends, and loved ones and all the lovers of peace and freedom who revere themselves a humanitarians to stand with all humans who are facing persecution, regardless of ethnic background or religious believes. Just as we have been outspoken on the atrocities in Gaza, we MUST speak up about the persecution of our dear Christian brothers and sisters in the Middle East. I call on all the wise people of all religions and of all political persuasion (regardless of partisan and ideological beliefs) that we communicate with one another to set up a demonstration for solidarity with our fellow Christians (especially in Iraq) and proclaim our rejection and condemnation of what they are exposed to by the hordes of ignorant obscurantism and fanaticism, better known as ISIS. ISIS, who are hijackers of Islam and Muslims, have self-appointed themselves as agents of God on earth. I refuse to allow ISIS to use the name of my religion while they partake in the ugliest forms of oppression and injustice. As a community, we shall congregate and hold the biggest demonstration, maybe on the first day of Eid al-Fitr (Said) in front of the town hall in Dearborn, or on another agreed time and place. This demonstration, which will show our solidarity with the Middle Eastern Christians who are facing persecution, shall also include the attendance of our dear Chaldean and Assyrian brothers and sisters. If we do not speak out against injustice and remain silent, we are as guilty as the oppressor. Please kindly post and circulate this status and participate and contribute to the humanitarian efforts of respecting humanity as a whole. Human beings on this planet should not be crying crocodile tears while being oppressed, but crying tears of joy knowing that humanity and respect still exists amongst us. I stand in solidarity with my Christian brothers and sisters, who are facing persecution at the hands of the hijackers of my faith, will you stand with me against the oppressors?
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 19:57:04 +0000

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