As the Israelites marched out of their wilderness, carrying their - TopicsExpress


As the Israelites marched out of their wilderness, carrying their hope with them, they stepped into their promised land beholding their deliverance. (Exodus 6: 6-8, Joshua 21: 43) As the woman with the issue of blood touched the hem of Jesus garment, her faith set her free from shame and condemnation. Luke 8:43-48 As Job sat on the ash heap of his pain and suffering, he never once wavered with the faithfulness of his God. Job 2:8-10 When Peter stepped out of the boat to go to Jesus, his eyes were on The Master and not the impossibilities of his water walking. Matthew 14:29 When David faced Goliath with a slingshot and 5 smooth stones, he knew who his Creator was and the history they shared together. 1 Samuel 17: 34-45 When the Lord met Gideon in the wine press threshing wheat, He spoke into his destiny and confirmed his identity. Judges 6: 12 As John the Baptist baptized in the wilderness as a forerunner to Christ, he knew his purpose and the footsteps of the One Who would follow. Matthew 3: 1-3 The Lord says this to you today... The hope youve carried with you through the bareness of this season, has been My promises spoken over you by the mouth of My Prophets. Your faith through the long-suffering of seasons come and seasons gone, has been whats catapulted you forward into the healing waters of freedom. The shame of the past has been washed away and with one touch of My garment, youve been completely made whole. Because youve stood strong in the face of doubts and persecution, a double portion of My blessing shall be restored and returned back to you. When I called your Name to come to Me upon the water, it was your love for Me that trusted Me (beyond uncertainty) and your devotion that gave you the courage to take the first step. And even when you faced the fear of your Goliath, you pressed onward knowing I was there with you, holding your hand and sustaining you to Victory. I have destined you for greatness and sealed you with My Love. I have chosen you, O Mighty Warrior, to overcome and conquer. I have set you as a forerunner and a voice to prepare My People. A Watchman have I assigned you to be; and to blow the trumpet, for the sound of the forth-coming revival. Sing. Shout. Dance with Praise. Get Ready for the coming days. I AM
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 07:20:44 +0000

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