As the Mom of a New-Born Daughter: Imagine how they feel: She - TopicsExpress


As the Mom of a New-Born Daughter: Imagine how they feel: She will protect, nuture, feed, guide, and discipline her. This is her duty, and her Joy at the same time. God, too has Children whom He has chosen as His very own. With Abraham, He promised to build a Nation. Isarel, was to be God’s Country and His people, the Jew’s, His very own Sons and Daughters. There was discipline and punishment, but always showed Love and Mercy. God has always protected and cared for them. Judgment will one day fall on all who have harmed God’s People. Today God’s Nation is His Church: These true Christians, they are borned again and adopted Children. Obadiah, caught a glimpse of what it means to Be God’s Child, and be under His Love and Protection. Book of Obdiah is a good example of God’s response to anyone who would harm His Children. Edom was a mountainous Nation. They stood condemned before God. Disaster was coming and their Cliffs and Mountains could not hide them from God. Just know your sins will be found out. You may hide for a season, but God will find you and uncover you. Why would they be destroyed? Because of the blatant arrogance toward God’s people. They persecuted God’s Children. They were proud and self-confident, but God humbled them and their nation disappeared from the face of the earth. Just be careful with your mouth for God will judge all who harm His people. These Edomites had let the pride of their heart deceive them. They found out there was no lasting Security apart from God. Possessions and people can disappear in a Moment, but God does not change. He is our only Security. The Bible warns us that Pride is the surest route to self destruction (Prov 16:18) You reap what you sow. These Edomites had murdered, they would be murdered. The devil don’t want you to know this. Don’t talk yourself into sin and think nobody will know , or you can’t be caught. God knows all of our sins. The Edomites were foolish, because they mocked God’s people. God will judge us according to the way we treat others. God don’t have no favorites. He give justice to every one.. It is wonderful to be a Christian, and specially a Child of God.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 03:16:39 +0000

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