As the Years Go By! I did not feel much different on my recent - TopicsExpress


As the Years Go By! I did not feel much different on my recent 70th birthday, but I certainly did the previous day when I tried to dig my small vegetable patch! Besides the physical limitations there is little sense of age and now I have reached my allotted ‘three score and ten’, and am surprised at that, for I always thought the Lord Jesus would call us all home a long time ago! [By the way – thanks for all the happy birthday wishes!] I don’t look forward to a long life, I see far too much incapacity and debilitating sickness all around and I would hate to be a burden to my family or anyone else. Sudden death is sudden glory! I often talk in my posts about the Rapture and I can affirm again that I look forward to that with an ever increasing sense of eagerness – Jesus is Coming – YeeeeS! But if He does not come soon there is another ‘R’ that I look forward to – Revival – among God’s people. I am so tired of the evil that abounds today, everywhere; we’re watching the news cast hoping for good news about Flight MH 370 with 239 people on board, but I must admit to an increasing sense of doom about that. We pray for those families in Bejing and Kwalalumpa. But what other good news are there in our papers, or on the TV? Very little! In fact it is so bad that if we do have some good news, it is a surprise! The corruption that abounds is so demoralising, I hate to think of young people trying to get a business venture going, or going into many jobs where money is involved. We think in the west that the ‘corruption in high places’ is bad enough, but my friends in Nigeria face it in every sphere of society; they can’t even get on a coach without wondering if they will be stopped by some policemen who haven’t been paid for 3 months and will be looking for some ‘wages’! Is there an answer, can we hope that it will change for the better? Naturally speaking, it’s a big - NO; but of course God has an answer and it’s called – Revival! When our churches are what they should be, then the fear of God would move from them into the communities and evil people will be afraid to be evil! When the manifest presence of God is present the darkness recedes quickly! The Kingdom of God is here! If it was, the Kingdom of Darkness wouldn’t be! If the majority of members of any one church were in the enjoyment of the Kingdom of God, then it would be Revival and God would work in such ways that the whole country would know about it very quickly. Last year when Victory Church, Cwmbran, were having meetings every night for months on end, the BBC news team soon caught up with them! It is very obvious when God is in town! I often say that our society is so empty and hurting that if a church did see revival then the converts would come thick and fast. I was again listening to J Edwin Orr’s lectures on revivals and speaking of the Great Awakening in the 1700s, 10,000 people were getting saved in a month in some cities! [All those lectures are available on sermonaudio – tracing the revivals from the 1700s to 1905 Wales. They’re great and all Christians will want to hear them]. But, 10,000 converts a month is no great deal, the Day of Pentecost saw about 20,000 saved in one day, and God is the same then as now, the need is the same, Jesus is the same, the gospel is the same, the Holy Spirit is the same; the only difference is the church! What hopes for church today that has no expectation of blessing! We been taught and fully conditioned, not to expect blessing and been told a pack of lies by our preachers so that we are totally complacent about our situation! And all the time there is a society that is looking for truth; they are totally confused and have no idea where to look. Don’t think that the churches have the answer, even if a few know it academically, even fewer know it experimentally. And academic knowledge is no good at all; it actually hinders the Good News, which is very experimental! Be honest, who do you know that is living a victorious Christian life? I have more than enough fingers on one hand to count those I know! But what about our little 70 years? They can be so worthwhile and successful when the Lord Jesus is with us experimentally; that ‘manifest presence’! I’m glad that I am 70 years old, for over the years I known what it was to suffer for righteousness; the construction industry does not appreciate honesty! I feel for young people choosing a career today; be prepared for opposition to the truth! Choose carefully; better, let God choose for you! Ask Him, He really knows what’s very best for you and He wants to tell you! Get close to Him and you will be amazed at what He can tell you. Jesus really wants a friendship with you; a better friendship than you can ever know with anyone else; no secrets and a closeness that will be unmatchable! Perhaps you are fortunate to have a good friend, but Jesus can be more real to you than the best of friends! How can this happen? We just have to fulfil His Word, we simply have to believe His Word! For any age group, it is the greatest blessedness to believe! One of the saddest things I have seen is old people with no hope, no point to life; and I don’t mean those laid up with serious ailments, but those who can get about, yet have no faith, despite being in church all their life! Plenty of preachers like that! Plenty of church leaders who are only interested in maintaining the misery of the status quo! When was the last time you heard a preacher tell you that there is something far greater? When did you last hear about blessings far greater than you can imagine; you know, that love, joy and peace? That gentleness, kindness, patience, goodness, faithfulness and self-control; not to mention that holy boldness to go where He wants you to; wherever! Are you satisfied with the status quo, or are you wanting know what it means to be changed daily, from glory to glory? If you want to know what love, joy and peace are really like, there’s only one Friend who can give it you! Jesus is waiting for you!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 07:33:35 +0000

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