As the artillery flies overheard I yell Dacha dacha! to my - TopicsExpress


As the artillery flies overheard I yell Dacha dacha! to my comrades. We are met with heavy machine gun fire and several of my friends fall dead. We finally make it to their heavily fortified trench that looks relatively un-damaged despite the heavy artillery fire it has been subjected to. There, my men are put into extreme close quarters combat, in some cases my men were beating the fascist soldiers to death with the butts of their rifles. After at least an hour of intense fighting we finally captured the fascist position, we finally won. Just as we thought we could finally take a good deep breath the ground became shaking, the roar of several engines was heard in the distance. TANK! yelled a scared young soldier as he jumped to cover. Commisar Vlad screamed TAKE UP ARMS AGAINST THE FASCIST ARMOR. THESE ARE THE SAME PEOPLE THAT HAVE RAPED, KILLED, AND TORTURED THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE IN THEIR OWN HOMES! A feeling of patriotism spread throughout our platoon as we ran to meet the fascists in their tanks. We were met with heavy fire and heavy casualties. Even as the situation seemed hopeless, we stood our ground and continued with fierce resistance. We took out tank after tank whilst suffering heavy casualties. We were down to ten men and we were unable to radio in for reinforcements. Commissar Vlad shouted THEY HAVE 5 TANKS, WE HAVE TEN MEN, TEN BRAVE RUSSIANS! THIS DAY WILL BE REMEMBERED IN INFAMY. PREPARE TO LEAVE THIS TRENCH AND SHOW THAT EVEN HUGE ARMORED VEHICLES WILL NOT STOP THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE FROM DEFEATING THE FASCIST REICH! Two hours later we began the attack. We lost half of our men taking out the first two tanks, then we lost and 2 on the next. We were down to three men and they still had 2 tanks, yet we still didnt retreat. Instead, we became even more determined to avenge the fallen. We finally took out the last two tanks without suffering any casualties. We rejoiced that night with drink and song. Three years later, me and my old comrades were drinking Vodka inside the Reichstag.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 18:36:55 +0000

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