As the cold bites I am reminded today of a conversation I had with - TopicsExpress


As the cold bites I am reminded today of a conversation I had with someone who shall remain nameless a few years ago. We were talking about reports from a charity for the aged about the number of extra deaths of the elderly each year which were a result of not being able to pay for heating. There is a number each year, about 30,000, and whenever I feel the cold of winter arrive I think of those people who, in this supposedly civilised nation in the 21st Century, will freeze to death. The thing that struck me was the response of the person I was talking to which essentially was that theyre old, theyre gonna die anyway, so they might as well die of the cold. Ive never forgotten that. I dont know when that became acceptable to people but I am of course aware that there are those that Im sure think the same. Another report in fact talked about a hardening of society over recent years, less compassion for the poor, the sick, the elderly. No doubt, at a sociological level this is to be anticipated in times of economic turmoil, people become more dog eat dog, the world becomes more dog eat dog, something which is only too evident. There are many who want this in-fighting, the current crop of politicians for example who so believe in the righteousness of the free market I suspect they also feel that peoples extra deaths are necessary, like culling deer or foxes or badgers, that the market is right. They also of course thrive on causing division on the basis that as long as every one is attacking each other they wont attack government. So this is what were up against, not only a government that supports a market whos artificial price fixing consigns old people to live in the freezer, but a number of people who believe its ok. I can only suspect this is a passed down opinion based on the same philosophy followed by the Cabinet. But it isnt ok. Not here, not now. I wonder if the current political crop, the energy cartel and their appeasers would change their tune if they could see the blood on their hands. As ever, you can chose not to look if you want to.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 14:17:09 +0000

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