As the everything (Principal, Superintendent, Counselor, every - TopicsExpress


As the everything (Principal, Superintendent, Counselor, every Department Head....) at the Corrado Academy, I had the pleasure of delivering the Commencement Address at Josie Kates graduation yesterday. Though many ideas and clever quotes (mostly from Disney movies, the Princess Bride, and Mean Girls) came to mind, sitting down and writing proved more difficult than I thought it would be. So, I scrubbed the kitchen floor - its like a Mr. Myagi/, Karate Kid/ St. Therese Little Flower kind of thing... and then sat down, and this was the result. From my overflowing mommy heart to my little girl: A Commencement is a beginning, and so we begin as we begin all good things: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit – reminding ourselves that no matter where we are, God is always there; He is always with us. It is His blessing that we ask for now, on us, on this time together, on these people who have helped hold our lives together when they seemed to be falling apart – those who are with us, and those we hold in our hearts, on these who have taught us, have grown with us, and who love us - and on our special girl as she continues her journey – and begins what comes next. When I taught school, I had a poster on my door with quotes from a book entitled: Everything I needed to know, I learned in Kindergarten. There were some good life lessons there – the ones that remain with me now are “Hold hands and stick together.” Our homeschooling journey has allowed us to do exactly that. When you become a parent – you look at this tiny baby and you think WOW! Everything the baby does is a miracle – their little nose, their little toes, every smile and gurgle - every first is celebrated! Even though the nights are long and sometimes the days are even longer – there is so much possibility in every single moment. And then suddenly , here you are. And it’s not the firsts that we are noticing, but the lasts and I am left to wonder where did all the time go? – The endless days and nights just weren’t long enough. Starting you “in school” at 4 sounded like such a good idea – until now. And it’s not that we aren’t crazy proud of the amazing young woman you are becoming – it’s just that when I catch you out of the corner of my eye – all I still see is my little girl. I am so incredibly thankful that home schooling you and your siblings was part of what I believe God called me to do. I am so honored to have been able to share countless moments of your educational journey with you…. And I know it isn’t over - learning is a life long journey and – you do still owe me 3 American Government essays - but the “every dayness” of your school time with us will be forever changed, and then next part of your journey will begin. I could stand here and wish to go back in time – to the day I realized you could not only SAY your ABC’s, but you could SIGN them too. Or the days we took trips to the zoo, and then came home and you would tell me the story, and we would write a book to go with the pictures we too – all the books ended the same. “Josie had a good time. We are going again soon.” Or the day we found the nest in the swing set in the back yard and you disappeared inside for the longest time only to return outside and tell us that it was a robin’s nest and the how long it would take for the eggs to hatch – and then you blocked off the top of the slide with ropes so no one would disturb the next. For those of you who wonder why there is so much reading material in my bathroom at home – THIS is exactly why. When I went in the house that day, I found, spread out all over the bathroom floor every issue of Ranger Rick magazine – she had opened every one until she found the one with the bird’s’ nests. How did she know it was there? She had looked through it on a different trip to the potty! I could wish to go back to the days when trips to the zoo – or even the pond by our house were filled with wonder with what you saw – and captured in amazing detail in your nature journal. I could wish to go back to the busyness of Little Flowers and Girl Scouts and the countless hours we spent in the Atrium. I could wish to go back to the nights when you read to me, or asked me to read to you. I could wish to go back to the days when you read aloud to us in the car as we drove to Ohio – I remember your very first book you read all on your own that way – Silly Sarah! I could wish to go back to the days when you and your sisters and brother spent countless hours playing house – or setting up intricate tracks for the trains – or creating villages out of all of the Little People stuff we owned. I could wish to go back to the times when the Fisher Price Doll House was the end all be all – and a circle made out of the chunky Lego Blocks would keep you in one place for hours. I could wish to go back to the days of Reading Rainbow and Between the Lions and Mr. Rogers and hours at the library or the aquarium when we visited the beach - or the time I somehow accidentally made you guys walk 5 miles – or maybe it was even more – but I got you those huge peaches –remember? I could wish to go back to the days when I could pick you up and zerbert your belly or you would sit for hours on your dad’s knee as he taught piano before he would suddenly scoop you up and fly you around the room - me always cautioning him to watch out for the doorways – and him always knowing you were safe in his arms. I could wish to go back to the days when your biggest worries were whether you had an outfit to match Lanie’s - and whether or not you could ride in the part of the stroller or the wagon that faced forward so you could see what was coming ahead. I could wish to go back to the days when you played softball - remember your hit? And how you had ribbons for all the girls’ hair? - or Soccer – or just learned to swim. I could wish to go back to the days of ballet at the barn – and watch days once a month – and how you sparkled and shined in your class with your flexed feet and your giant smile! I could wish to go back to a time where our days were filled with some math and reading – and lots of adventures and baking and playing together. I could wish to go back simply to notice and see all the parts that I missed - all of the moments of lasts – but I didn’t know it at the time and at this moment, if I could freeze time, I often think I would and then I realize – I can’t. So instead, I tuck all of these memories, and countless more, into my overflowing mommy heart and I thank GOD that He allowed me to share so much of the everdayness of these past 17 years with you. We stand at this place – this finish line of sorts – and realize it is simply the “start of something new.” And though what comes next will be different, we will still be all in it together. For all our years of homeschooling, I don’t think ANY day was what I planned in my head that it should be – but every day WAS. And, at the end of it, I learned to thank God, ask Him to bless each of you, and ask Him to help me do better the next. Along the way of this journey we learned a thing or two – some of which were planned – most of which were not – and some I wish you never had to learn at all– and I have no doubt I have learned more from you and your siblings than you could have learned from me. But, what is the MOST OF ALL that I hoped you learned? What is the one thing that I hope, more than anything, that you take with you as you start this next part of your journey? What I hope you have learned, most of all – more than how to read or how to do math or how to problem solve or even how to learn – is that you are LOVED simply because you are you. NOT because of what you can do – but because of who you are. I hope you let that love ground you – and remind you that no matter what, “You’ve still got me.” And wherever you go, you know you’ll never be there alone. I hope that love is what you allow to define you. I hope that love is what empowers you to shout to the universe and hear it reply, “As you wish,” I hope that you let that love sustain you when it feels like the whole world is telling you “you can’t sit with them: – and it is more of a Gretchen Weiner kind of day, rather than a “You go Glen Coco” kind of one. I hope you let that love remind you “who you are.” I hope you allow that love to help you run the race God sets before you – with our eyes always on the prize of eternal life – I hope you let that love manifest in the essence of your soul and allow you to become the next best version of yourself every single day. I hope you allow the strength and the depth of the origin of that love sustain you when those around you seem to have forgotten the light from which they too have come – and they try to wrap you in darkness. I hope you allow that love to nourish you when the weight of the word seems to get in the way of you remembering to rest in what is good and what is kind and what is true. I hope you let that love guide you – and to remember to go back to the beginning when things don’t work out as planned – for in the beginning was the Word and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. I hope you allow your love of the WORD to settle in your soul and to calm your racing heart. I hope you draw strength from that love – and remember that the more of this perfect love that dwells in you that you give away – the more it multiplies. I hope you use this love in order to truly see the beauty where there seems to just stand a beast. I hope you allow it to let you be strong to face the dragons along the way – to see the good in yourself and in others – to seek the LIGHT even when it seems so dark. I hope this love grows in you by leaps and bounds as you become who God created and called you to be. Shine this love and this light as your words and actions bring all Glory back to Him. YOU are LOVE and You are His – a child of the King. As such, you deserve every good thing. May this love guide you in your choices to honor and respect who you are – never be willing to give up pieces of you to please someone else. May this love be reflected back to you in the eyes and actions of those you choose as friends. A true friend is a priceless treasure – worth more than silver or gold. May love allow you to continue to choose good friends and to be a good friend. May this great love give you courage – for a child without courage is like a night without stars – and honestly, you are one of the bravest people I know. Your conviction and your passion are inspiring – keep them wrapped in the amazing love that is you . Allow this love to lead you – to always be kind – to be gentle – to be still – and to listen to the still small voice in your heart and soul – for that is the voice of our Great God. Allow this love to lead you back to what you know is true – to the times when words and ideas were simple and the end of day didn’t mean anxiety about everything you didn’t do – but a chance to renew your strength for the adventure ahead. This love will simplify : look. See. Ask. Tell. Believe. Forgive. Walk. Run. Laugh. Try. Try again. Do . Do better. Listen. Pray. Know. Forgive again. Forgive yourself. Pray more. Trust. Start. Start over. Laugh more. Notice. See. BE. Let love win. For we know that it is patient and kind. It is forgiving and understanding. It rejoices in the truth … in the end, it is what remains. It will lead you to joy – not happiness for that is fleeting – but true JOY is of God – and it is for always. When you look through love’s eyes, that’s where you find the silver linings – that’s where you discover the possibilities – that’s where you find the strength to persevere and the ability to laugh – to find the good, and to forgive. I know you didn’t want a cap or gown or tassel or a diploma (though I do have one saved on the computer for you…just in case.) But, I wanted you to have something to honor this occasion – this is Sacred – it is set apart – it will not come again. So, I asked Grandma to create something for you – this is an example of “looking through the eyes of love.” The colors of your stole are the ones you chose as “yours:” pink and silver. The claddagh symbol on the back is to remind you of your Irish heritage – love, loyalty, and friendship. Here, this symbol of the moon and stars is to remind you for always that I love you to the moon and back. Here, the crown is to remind you that you are the Daughter of the One, True, King. These intertwined hearts are to remind you that no matter what – you are loved and you are never alone. I asked Grandma to add words in order to “wrap you” in what I hope you would take with you from our schooling: The gifts of the Holy Spirit; the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Then, there are words to remind you – blessing, gratitude, dream, dance, believe, forgive, amazing…. And the one that is you above all: Fantabulous! Let this wrap you in the love from all those who love you who couldnt be with us here today. I told you I could wish to go back... but I wouldn’t. Because if I did, I would not be looking at one of the most incredible people I know. All those experiences brought you here, to this day. They helped form you and shape you – but they don’t have to define you. I pray God’s Grace for you – that you are able, over time, to sort through and hold on to what is good – and release what does not serve you – what does not allow you to let love win I know God has big plans in store for you – plans that will show the world how you dream in color – and how fantabulous you are. I am so honored that God chose me to be your mom, and so blessed that your dad and I chose home schooling as part of our journey. You are the heart of our family. You are comfort and compassion. You are patience and perseverance. You are hope and belief in all that is good. I will love you forever – to the moon and back – and infinity and beyond. Forever and always. No matter what – there is nothing that could ever change that I will always love you. Thank you for all you are – for the gift you are to our family – those related by blood and those related by love. Look around – our lives are forever changed because of you – know that you have our love and our support no matter if we are close by or far away, To love another person is to see the face of God – and we see Him shining in your eyes. Be brave. Be fierce. Be the amazing Miss Feisty Pants that you are. And above all else, know that you are loved. And so, it is with greatest pride and deepest pleasure that I present to you Johanna Kathleen Corrado on the occasion of her graduation from our Corrado Academy of the Dramatic, Fine, Scientific, Culinary, Domestic, Agricultural Mathematical, and Performing Arts….. And we proudly welcome you to her beginning! I love you baby girl.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 03:14:16 +0000

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