As the long proposed and talked about national confab sets to - TopicsExpress


As the long proposed and talked about national confab sets to kickoff, i lament that am not in the position to be there. i regret it because i know that it will be all about same issues that will not tackle the decay in our society and polity. If i was there, i would have argued strongly and constructively on issues that will be different from the much agitated true federalism, state creation, resource control and in some cases, cessation by some groups. But be that as it may, i believe that these are not the root causes of the rot that is bedeviling this great nation. If the issue of true federalism or resource control is the only problem that will bring about stability in our economy and polity, i dare ask that...even if each state or region controls its resources with these set of glutonous Governors and political scavengers at the helm as they are now, will there be any difference? wouldnt that make them richer and more superman to the detriment of the poor masses? Again, if the issue of cessation will bring an end to our problems but these same set of people at the top are to be the leaders of the new break away country or nation, wont they continue to impoverish their citizens? If new states are created and these larger than life people are to remain the governors, will they stop the looting of the state treasury and resources? More over, i strongly think that we should leave these issues and tackle the main and tap root of our problems i.e corruption. I dare to say that if i was there and argued to the effect that my argument is adopted, i would make sure that the issue of corruption and stiff penalty is strongly inputed into our constitution so that any laxity in the office your holding, without sentiment and without caring whose ox is gored, will be made to face his punishment. when this happens, the judiciary being the interpreters of the law but sadly which presently is the most corrupt sector in Nigeria will stop their cash and carry judgement syndrome. then and only then, the rich and the poor, the high and low, big and small will have a sense of belonging unlike now that only the rich and politically connected gets judgement. Also, the security agencies and the law enforcers will be made to carry out their duties without fear or favour unlike now that they arrest only the poor who cant pay them off. same will be for the supposed law makers who will have no choice than to make law that will impact on the lives of the people. Believe me that if i had argued and succeeded in these, the root cause of our national problems would have been taken care of. But since the confab is for intellectuals, i want to strongly urge them to put thye interest of the people above their ever seeking selfish and personal agradisement as we might not have this opportunity again in our generation to right the wrongs of our own making that has returned to devour not those that made them but also we the innocent and armless masses. GOD BLESS NAIJA MY COUNTRY AND ITS PEOPLE.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 15:55:55 +0000

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