As the motion to impeach speaker is presented to the public, this - TopicsExpress


As the motion to impeach speaker is presented to the public, this is what we need to know about the story History of Speaker Hon Sifuna is a son of Luhya who was born in Saboti and worked in Mombasa for many years, before he became the speaker, he was already wealthy through his law firm in Mombasa which he is in process of opening a branch in Kitale, At moment the speaker is raising a very young family as he got married a little bit late and his children are below 5. He was born in 1974 and his brother is chief of Saboti Constituency. His both parents are alive. Sifuna Political History He did try to view for Saboti constituency seat twice and he lost to Eugine and Nakitare. He was elected as Trans Nzoia County speaker 2013 which has made him have many friend and enemies in equal measure. Majority of the people in Trans Nzoia called him wababa and by all means is the most accessible senior leader in region. He has made sure all county assembly member are full allowance and that they are paid on time. He has also made sure all nominated county assembly member are paid mileage which is very rare on other counties. With his leadership his made sure each MC’S has 5 million soft loan with no security, he made sure each MCA has IPADS, he made sure that County Assembly was renovated and equipped including having committee rooms. He is in process of making sure the County Assembly has buses to that they reduce expenses on hiring buses but also to use it to help schools, colleges and other institution for travel plans. Why do then are county assembly members don’t like him 1. He has a good working relationship with Governor and that is something the MCA’S prefer not be the case 2. He stopped unnecessary travel including travel outside county, Kenya, Africa and rest of the world. Unlike other speakers who allowed their county assembly members to travel to USA, Japan, Israel, China, Canada, Australia and many other countries 3. He is is implemented accounting system control and track county income and expenses, something most of the member would rather have it manually so that they can easy have a loop hole for skyrocketing their expenses 4. He is very strict on money matter and it reason is unpopular. 5. Some MCA’S believe that speaker is not from Trans Nzoia, something the family ties and history has proved wrong. Some of the MCA tend to believe the speaker want to ruin Trans Nzoia and move to Mombasa. 6. Some of the MCA’S see him as block in exercising their powers and mandate. 7. Some of the MCA’S are not comfortable that he is rich, though before he became to the speaker, he was already rich by all means. 8. That speakers does not take care of their demands and needs So what trigged the Motion? After our investigation, we found out that No good justifiable reason trigged the motion to impeach Speakers the motion does not qualify to meeting the standing order. We also found out it influence from outside with more focus and long term goals of removing Governor Khaemba and replacing him with leaders like Eugine Wamalwa. Some have gang up due to growing concern that Speaker could be next MP for Saboti which Hon Lazaro and Hon Were (MCA’S for Tiwani have vested interest) So those who support the Motion want to replace Speaker with Hon Makhanu from Waitaluk Ward, Hon Kisaka, MCA for Kiminini is being floated to replace Speaker, All NFK affiliated members with blessing of majority MCA’S from New Ford Kenya. Hon Lazaro, Hon Nangabo, Hon Andrew and Hon Eugine are engineering New Ford Kenya to Take control of Speaker seat then use that position to also pave in for removal of Governor Khaemba with possible replacement to be Eugene Wamalwa. After Hon Andrew was moved to less influential docket from Minister of Finance to Agriculture, he has been key to making sure he goes back to influential position and the process of removing Speaker is one key position Hon Andrew could get, another members that could be given the speaker seat is former Hon Khaemba Lawyer Mr Sifuna. The management of Hon Matongolos Funeral has contributed a lot in members of county assembly having used this event as a good reason to start impeachment process of Speaker and disbandment of County Board. Speaker and Hon Emmanuel Waswa had visited Hon Mantongolo in Aghan hospital a day before his death and since Speaker and Hon Waswa were in Nairobi the morning Matongolo’s passed on, they immediately made arrangements to meet body preservation which saw Speaker not involving majority of the County Assembly in moving the body to Eldoret Referral, though family had requested either Mt Elgon and or Referral. Most MCA’S wanted to travel to Nairobi but Speaker informed them to wait until body was transferred to Eldoret Referra. This save County assembly on using more public money. Speaker spent about 1.2 million in whole exercise which includes Bill for Hospital 800k, Coffin 80k, Taxi 20K, Transport Body from Nairobi to Eldoret by air 80k. Speaker expenses 30k, Hon Waswa 30K, family travel cost 30K, 200K that remained to the county secretary. As speaker who is almost wealthy than Governor to be accused of squandering matanga funds does not add us at all. Speaker has been a lawyer for 20 years, He was rich before he became speaker for County Assembly member to blame for using 1.2 million on for his selfish interest is not in order, considering he is a Luhya and knowing Luhyas is one community that has history of being so respectful to the deceased. The speaker says that Majority of County Assembly members did not have say in selecting the ward administrators and that they have a tradition of using siege to get money in order to agree in majority of items to be passed. That position is a position that puts him in hard position to balance what is right and what they county assembly members want. Story behind the Story. Though most of the citizens aware of story says it Hon Were, behind the push, we established it not, he is just a means just like 30 county assembly member. Kisaka would defiantly take up the speaker seat until the position is filled by New Ford Kenya member and it reason beyond reasonable doubt that Hon Eugine Wamalwa and Hon Andrew Key are key player. Keep in mind Hon Were is ODM member. The war on Speaker is not just a war of yesterday, it not a war of today and it will be a hard battle as those key to removing him have big plans to get Eugine party to control Assembly so as to impeach Governor, The motion will also see Hon Weswa and Hon Hillary could go home and who are being proposed to take the seat, for majority leader seat it being floated as going to Hon Makhanu and Minority position to Hon Toror. Yesterday Hon Eugine, Hon Nangabo and Hon Lazaro attended meeting to engineering and do final touches on the motion. The interesting part is those being used are Hon Were (ODM). Key player on the motion include Hon Kisaka, Hon Milimo, Hon Kutitla, Hon Mash and Hon Toro. The King pin is Eugine being supported by URP. All 13 NFK MCA’S and 9 URP members have signed to remove Board and impeached Speaker; Hon Nelima, Hon Weswa, Hon Hillary, Hon Njoroge, Hon Sikowo and Hon Maggy are only members who have not signed. It is clear this process was planned way ahead and it also they have a plan to take the war beyond County Assembly to impeach Speaker. the plan B is to take issue to Court. To impeach the Speaker, those planning to remove him need 26 members, to disband county assembly board they need simple majority. It very clearly that it is a little easy battle for MCAS to remove board but an uphill task to remove Speaker. As the motion to impeach speaker is presented get nearer, we want to state clearly the driver behind are those with vested interest and not for public benefit but their own self interest. Why would Hon Nangabo, Hon Lazaro and Eugine hold meeting to influence County Assembly Affairs if they don’t want to control houses to pave ways to remove Governor they dont like. We ask the President of this Country Hon Uhuru Muigai to honor the pledge of getting Eugine Wamalwa a position so that he desists from interfering with County Affairs. As spoken and requested by Speaker of Elgeyo Marakwet, We want an environment where leaders have a good working relationship and not enemity as portrayed on impeachment. We want a good motion to impeach Speaker driven by MCA’S themself but also motion with good grounds not to bring tension at time we need to fast track policies to move this county forward. I ask all our member to please stand behind Speaker, Majority leader and Minority leader as they being fought hard by external forces that seeks to get into leadership of this county using backdoor means. There is right way to due process and wrong way for due process, this process is not just right, it is sickening and not good for development of our county.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 10:07:31 +0000

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