As the name Ju Jutsu implies, the techniques of Kenpo were - TopicsExpress


As the name Ju Jutsu implies, the techniques of Kenpo were designed for close range. This follows the two observable principles of unavoidable defense against an unarmed attacker: (1) 80% of all attacks begin with the attacker grabbing you; (2) Nearly all other attacks begin with the attacker at close quarters. While it is popular for movies and television to have long, drawn-out fights in which dozens of kicks and punches are delivered, those fights are as phony as the long drawn-out movie fights that preceded the martial arts. They are pure fantasy. The fact remains that most attacks begins with a grab, and Kenpo Ju Jutsu, has a counter for every imaginable grab. These counters can range from simple escapes to joint locks and breaks, followed by restraints or disabling strikes. Likewise, since most other attacks are punches or strikes, Kenpo employs counters that utilize blocks, or strikes, joint and nerve strikes locks and breaks. And the important thing to know is that Kenpo, as it was originally taught in this country, is as effective today as it was in 1942, and it is an art which can be learned by nearly everyone. The following Documentation is of great historical importance to any Kenpo / Kempo historian. THE TEXT BOOK of JU-JUTSU as PRACTICED IN JAPAN by S. K. UYENISHI This JU-JUTSU book was written when all of this information was current. Kempo was a well known and established killing art! In 1878 the new Japanese government eliminated two traditions: first they eliminated the Samurai as a class and outlawed their wearing of swords and at the same time ...... (KEMPO) was declared an illegal practice when the sanctity of human life was recognized under the new regime. Prior to this time the Samurai had the power of life and death over anyone of less rank. If they thought a commoner or peasant had offended them in anyway, they could kill that person with complete immunity. For those of you who saw the TV show Shogun there is a classic example. In one of the opening scenes peasant does not properly bow to a Samurai - for this offense the offended Samurai draws his sword and beheads the offender. Wiping his blade of the blood he continued on his way. This JU-JUTSU book also indicates that at this historical period Kempo was a well known (Deadly - Killing art). Also the Japanese were well aware of its Chinese origin. During this period in Japans history they were trying to eliminate as many foreign influences as possible. At this same time they also outlawed the various sects of Zen and Buddhism and once again established Shinto with the emperor being a God as the official religion of Japan. THE TEXT BOOK of JU-JUTSU as PRACTICED IN JAPAN by S. K. UYENISHI Click on each image for full size picture This is the cover of the book This is the fourth edition. Must have been a popular book back then
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 12:32:45 +0000

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