As the news focuses on the failures of Obamacare, and as this - TopicsExpress


As the news focuses on the failures of Obamacare, and as this administration dodges and spins its defense on Benghazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, and numerous other cover ups that have developed under this administration of deceit. There is a story that has been missed and hopefully, it will reach the recognition it deserves and none to soon. As we all know that after Obama took office in 08 he changed our military tactics and strategy including rules of engagement in Afghanistan against the advice of Afghan Commander Gen. David McKiernan. McKiernan was then replaced by McCrystal, he was then soon replaced with Petrous and we all know the rest of the story. All because Obama didnt want to be undermined by those who know more than he does. Due to this fact over 1,500 troops have been killed with over 15,000 casualties. That being said, the story that lingers under the surface out of sight and out of mind except for those that were effected by the consequences of our inept new leaders should send chills to us all. They were the elites-of-elites Navy SEAL Team 6 who, on May 2, 2011, broke into Osama bin Laden’s secret compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, and assassinated the Al Qaeda leader. Team 6′s exploits greatly boosted Obama’s then-sagging ratings. The shameless POS then took personal credit for the achievement of Team 6. While exposing the teams very existence. Three months later, on August 6, 2011, 22 members of Navy SEAL Team 6 were among the 30 American servicemen and 8 Afghans who were killed when their Chinook helicopter (call sign Extortion 17) reportedly was shot down by Taliban rebels in Afghanistan. (May 9, 2013), the families of three SEALs (Aaron Vaughn, Michael Strange, John Faas) and a National Guardsman (Patrick Hamburger) who were killed in the Chinook crash, gave a press conference in the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Also present were retired U.S. military officers and politicians (Michele Bachmann and Allen West). The press conference began with Larry Klayman, president of Freedom Watch and founder of the citizen watchdog group, Judicial Watch, delivering the introductory remarks. Klayman summarized the families’ grievances as follows: Obama and Joe Biden improperly revealed the identities of the Navy SEALs who were on the mission to assassinate Osama bin Laden, thereby putting “a target” on the backs of the SEALs. The Chinook helicopter was “inadequate,” as was its pilot. When the Chinook was attacked by the Taliban, our side “couldn’t return fire” and were “handcuffed when it came to defending themselves. To place salt on the wound at the funeral in Bagram Airfield in Kabul, Afghanistan, for our servicemen, Jesus’ name couldn’t be mentioned and a Islamic imam conducted the prayer at the service for our own. The next speaker was Billy Vaughn, the impassioned father of Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn. Vaughn began by saying his son was not on the “right chopper” that fateful day, August 6, 2011, because Obama had increased the number of special op missions from a monthly average of 56 in 2009, to 186/month in 2010, to as many as 334 a month between August 2010 and July 2011, a month before his son died in the Chinook crash. A direct result of the radical increase in the number of special op missions was the scarcity of available MH-47 copters. Vaughn maintains that if his son had gone on a MH-47 that night, he would have had a better chance of surviving the fire fight. Vaughn continues: According to a 3-star [Vice] Admiral [Robert] Harward‘s statement to the grieving families that day, the excuse was ‘We want to win the hearts and minds of the enemy. Aaron Vaughn did not become a Navy SEAL and a member of Team Six to win the hearts and minds of jihadists. He became a Navy SEAL to fight for this [American] Republic and defeat the enemy. Any American flag officer who does not want to defeat the enemy needs to find another job. Any man who sits in that White House who does not want to defeat the enemy needs to move the hell out … …. I have two questions: Why did they [Aaron and the other servicemen] not have access to the right chopper? Why did they not surpress the enemy? … The record will show that the Islamists are responsible for the deaths of the Americans. But I submit to you today that the U.S. government and many high-ranking military people own more credit for the shoot down than the Taliban. Political correctness, building the esteem of the Afghans, leveling the playing field, and failure by the Obama Administration to name the enemy and to accurately identify the savage ideology our warriors are up against have only emboldened the enemy and makes a person question wondering whos side is this president really on. This administration apparently went to extreme efforts to make sure that the enemy Osama bin Laden had a proper burial. Our president was outraged when the Koran was burnt. But then those who die for the Republic nothing is said. To steal their First Amendment rights, to steal their religious rights, to be violated by Islam. Vaughn went on to say about General [Joseph] Votel the General in command of the Joint Special Operations Command or JSOC. It is sad that our troops are under your command. It is sad, General, after the imam damned our warriors, you stood and talked about how we’re one, about how we’re brothers. Mr. Obama, President Obama, you need to step up or step down. You must step up and defend our warriors. You must step up and show the outrage that you have shown when the religion of Islam is disrespected… Dr. Eowyn summed it up best; I tell you today, we have sheep and wolves in high places, and they are getting our sheepdogs killed unnecessarily. But I will also tell you today, that no plan of Hell or scheme of man can separate Aaron Vaughn from the love of God that is Jesus Christ, our Lord. Not the imam or Washington, DC. Aaron’s God is the God of the Bible.” If you don’t tear up at the anguished cries of Aaron Vaughn’s dad, then your heart must be as black and stony as President Lucifer’s — assuming he actually has one. Families of Navy SEALs killed in downed Chinook blame Obama and military brass | fellowshipoftheminds/2013/05/09/press-conference-of-families-of-navy-seal-team-6-killed-in-afghanistan-part-1
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 22:53:24 +0000

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