As the oldest son of Dave Bowen, I am one of the few that has seen - TopicsExpress


As the oldest son of Dave Bowen, I am one of the few that has seen him at his best and worst. Let me tell you a few things I know about him: Dave is someone who gives attention to things that matter. The great part about this characteristic is he will have the ability to let the stuff that doesnt matter go. (Huh, that could be a great quality for someone serving in public office). Lets take this experience as an example here. Evident to anyone reading, or watching Mr. Gregersons posts and video, he has an agenda outside the interest of my father. If this were an attack at me personally, I might have blown up facebook defending myself and probably issuing a counter attack, but so far, all I see from Dave is a thank you (although probably sarcastic). No comments or defensive remarks...just letting it go. If there were an honest concern for his well being and as much prayer as was painfully claimed throughout this disgusting self aggrandizing video, he would have discovered the way to address his concerns in a way that was directed in the scriptures. I will refer you all reading to a reference that is exactly how my father taught me to handle such situations should I be found in them: And if thy brother or sister offend thee, thou shalt take him or her between him or her and thee alone; and if he or she confess thou shalt be reconciled. (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 42:88) Not sure about anyone else, but I see no mention of be sure to do all you can to publicly humiliate them, but maybe Im reading it wrong. Dave is a loving father and grandfather with imperfect children, in-laws, grandchildren, siblings, cousins...(Im going to leave off parents because Im not convinced they werent perfect). Even with all the imperfection that exists within his own family, he still finds a way to give everything that he can and knows how to make sure they are ultimately happy. That will sometimes include difficult discussions, course corrections, tears and prayers when that is all that can be done. (Weird, yet another great quality in someone serving as a County Clerk...) Dave is a hard worker. All my life, my dad has gone to work as a Brick Mason and occasionally additional jobs on the side. Not sure how many people out there reading this has done that, but it is hard work. I started with him at 12 and did it til he finally convinced me I should go to school. (looking out for my well being again). There are not many more grueling jobs out there I know of, and his forearms are proof of someone that knows how to work to put food on the table and feed six demanding kids with as many as 4 teenagers at one time. (It cant possibly be more difficult to deal with a building full of politicians, can it?) Dave is honest. I can remember the day I went to work with my dad and he was telling me about his dad and how business used to be done, with a handshake. He was proud that he could say that if people knew his dad, he had an instant level of trust. That of course was a blessing, but also a challenge. In addition to having that trust given to him by his dad, he had to live up to it. I have had numerous occasions including my current occupation where the same could be said of my dad. I only hope that I live up to his expectations, as he did with his father. Dave is not perfect. As Mr. Gregerson has pointed out, he is not completely up to speed on social media. I have not spoken with Dave about why the page has not been liked or unliked, or he rated a New York strip club (before he started running for office). I did notice however a typical 3-10 days between postings and sharings which in Bens words may ne just a little bit too coincidental. (But why should we begin down some crazy path involving any kind of logic). Finally, Dave is not a politician. First criteria there should be that he has served in some public office. He has not to this point been elected to public office, so that should disqualify him from such a title. More than that, however; he did not seek out an opportunity to run for office. He was more or less convinced to run for the legislature by a close friend. I have always lived by the phrase, All that it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing. I am not certain that is how they convinced him to run in the first place, but it certainly should be a reason for him to continue to stand. I have had opportunity to meet and work with many people in my short life. Some rich, some poor, some important, some unimportant, (in their own views) some good, and some bad, but I can honestly say that I dont know a better man than my father. Of course, you can take this post for what you want. I am his son, and therefore have a slanted view...right? Or perhaps you can take if from someone who, as I said in the beginning, has seen him at his best and his worst. Either way, I thought it important for David Bowen to know that this is who he is to me, and if anyone out there cares to know...I love you Dad!
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 20:24:10 +0000

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